Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Truthful Tuesday


Heh... This post is going to be chock full of silly confessions. First is that I never thought to check that the horses' fans were all working until today when we had our first fan weather of the season. And of course Eros' fan was not working. This is not shocking because he abuses the hell out of that fan when it's not on. Spins it around. Bites it. He's really terribly behaved with that fan. Thankfully, all the others were functioning. I was getting ready to order a new one from Amazon when I remembered that I had a spare. The fans came in packs of two, and I had bought four for the barn, and three to keep in the trailer, meaning there was a spare someplace. I found it pretty quickly, and then had to figure out the best way to install the replacement. In an effort to minimize the number of holes in the stall wall, we bolted Shiny's fan and Eros' fan together with the wall in between. Which seemed brilliant until I had to swap one out. So I started fighting with the bolts, only to realize I didn't need to remove the bracket. (That's confession two, I was delayed on the critical thinking there...) The fans were the exact same, so I could remove the new bracket, and just use that old one on the wall already for the new fan. 

This is the old fan once I realized it was 
easier to remove the fan than the bracket.

But then the screws on the fan fell inside it while I was trying to mount the damn thing. So next I needed to open the fan to get to the screws. I couldn't open it all the way, because there was a teeny tiny screw holding it on in place that I didn't have a small enough screw driver for. But it swiveled enough to access what I needed. Of course, then with it swiveled like that, it's super top heavy so I did manage to drop the whole thing on my head... twice. Good thing I already had my helmet on! Anyway, eventually I got the new fan installed and now everyone has lovely air flow in their stalls. 

Tada! New fan all up and running!

My last confession is that when the horses are home, stuff like this happens all the time, and I end up with the worst time management skills. Due to this little unplanned project, I wound up being in the barn for like nine and a half hours. I only have three horses to ride... Lol! Where does the time go?


  1. lol super relatable, i'm way overdue on getting doozy a stall fan for her new place (charlie's barn just provides them, which is SO nice!).... tho apparently they'll install if for me if i just leave it there. hopefully can get that done asap tho bc it's been HOT!

    1. The boarding barn where I winter has them hard wired at every stall which is really nice. But prior to that, I've never been at a barn that supplies them. So that is nice at Charlie's place!

  2. I don’t have fans but this current heat wave is making me rethink things. At least we have a lovely breeze.

    1. I imagine you don't normally have these crazy temps up there, so you probably don't really need them. A nice breeze makes all the difference too! It was breezy here too, and it really hasn't felt that bad. I almost felt silly taking it easy on the horses, because it really seemed tolerable out there. But better safe, of course!
