Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Truthful Tuesday: Birthday Edition


It's my birthday today! I'm ridiculously old. So birthdays should terrify me at this point. But they don't really. I still love birthdays. A day you can eat all your favorite things with zero guilt! You get flowers! And maybe even some presents. But here's my confession for this birthday... This is something that probably only happens when you're really old like me.... 

Guys. I forgot to make plans. I didn't reach out to anyone to join me for birthday dinner. No one. Of course, I suppose I could also say no one reached out to me either... But it is a Tuesday which is kind of a lame day for a birthday. Tuesday and Wednesday birthdays typically require some planning. And I did not. So I'm kind of just hanging around like a loser by myself tonight. Which would be kind of sad, except that it's really not. I mean, the dog is here. Plus, it's not like my birthday was ignored. I got some cards and flowers.

And lots of texts and messages. I just didn't make dinner plans. I thought about taking myself downtown and having a nice dinner at the bar at one of my favorite restaurants. But then I was feeling kind of lazy so I didn't do that. I think I may pop over to the grocery store and buy myself some cake though. Cause you really can't have a birthday without cake. PLUS, Passover finally ends at sundown so I really deserve some cake. 

Any of you ever forget to prepare for your own birthday? No? Just me? Lol. Wait till you're my age. It will happen!


  1. As a fellow old person...it happens! That's what weekends are for - belated parties! But Happy Birthday! And definitely get cake!


    I have also definitely forgotten to plan anything fun for my birthday 🤣 last year I was in PMP virtual boot camp for like 10' hours straight hahahah.

    1. Thank you!!
      Oh man, that is a birthday fail! Glad you survived that!

  3. Happy birthday! Hope you got some cake.

  4. You are not old! But I think thst as we age we stop worrying about how these sort of events ‘should’ be celebrated and just do what we want.

    Happy Birthday! 🎂

    1. So true! I share a birthday with BO over at the winter barn, and all day today I was hearing how hung over everyone was. Definitely don't feel left out of THAT! I'd chose hanging with my doggo and eating cake over doing shots like a college kid any day!

  5. actually that sounds like a great bday to me cake, no one to bug me and just the dog Happy belated bday!

    1. Thank you!
      Actually yes, thank you for pointing that out. It was actually the PERFECT birthday!

  6. lol relatable --- HAPPY BIRTHDAY tho!! celebrate all month long!
