Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Truthful Tuesday

So it's that point in the year where I start thinking about how it would be really nice to be fit for spring... And by fit I mean 30 lbs lighter and maybe have some muscle tone and stamina. But also, it's cold outside and I need to stay warm! And comfort food, because let's be real, a foot of snow is depressing. Which leads to today's confession.
It was recently brought to my attention via Amazon that Planters (despite customer service telling me otherwise for reasons I'll never understand) has brought back the Cheez balls again! So I did what any logical Cheez Balls loving person would do...
Yep, ordered myself a case. Clearly, this is not helping me lose 30 lbs. And I'd be mad at myself, but have you eaten these? Not just any cheese ball, but Planters Cheez Balls? Because you would totally understand.
Along similar lines, comes confession number 2. The other night, I decided to have a full meal rather than just microwave a can of soup of dinner. My plans were foiled from the start. I wanted a rotisserie chicken at the grocery store which I was going to pair with a nice side of broccoli (see, healthy!) and some creamed corn (maybe not so healthy). So I get to the store, and there aren't any chickens. Boo. I really hate cooking meats, so I had to find a protein. I went with fish sticks. (Shut up, yes I'm twelve, and I also realize this meal is no longer very healthy.) Anyway, those were fine, the broccoli was fine, but I managed to mess up the corn. Seriously you guys, it's in a pouch and it goes in the microwave. I have it all the time. Very simple. Well. Smarty pants over here was distracted by something shiny and forgot to poke some holes in the pouch. It was edible, but kinda soggy. Such a disappointment.
On the bright side, I decided to give Freshly a try, so hopefully I'll have some healthy and tasty meals toward the end of the week.
It's obvious that I'm failing pretty miserably at adulting in the feeding myself category. But at least the animals all get healthy and balanced meals.


  1. I am so, so, SO lucky I have a husband that likes to cook. Because when he travels for work, I realize I'm completely incapable of feeding myself.

    1. You are SO lucky! If I win powerball, I'm hiring a chef.

  2. How long do the cheese balls last? Maybe you can hids them for next winter lol

    1. Lol, no chance. I have very limited self control. #noregrets

  3. ......and now i want cheese balls haha ;P

    also tho i relate to this on a very deep level haha. last summer my personal finances basically exploded in my face, and since then i've had to confront the whole i-don't-know-how-to-cook-or-even-really-feed-myself situation out of sheer economical necessity. slowly (so slowly) i'm growing a little repertoire of simple easy recipes with limited ingredients that i actually enjoy eating.

    1. Lol! I know the feeling. I actually can cook, I'm just not motivated enough to do it just for myself. Also, I get home from all the ponies at 9:30 most nights. Definitely not cooking a big meal that late! Thank goodness canned soup is pretty cheap.

  4. I have never had Planters Cheese Balls but am now intrigued. I really enjoy cooking now but not if it's been a long day at work. I often make multiples and freeze them so that I have when I need them.

    1. They're delicious! If you enjoy processed cheese flavored snacks anyway...
      Freezing meals is a great plan!

  5. If you want a free box to hello fresh (hello free food why not) email me. I have several and so far so good all the meals have been good!!! AND I still dont like cheese balls :) I do like to cook if i have instructions which is why i sign up with these meal things :)

    1. I've heard great things about Hello Fresh, but you still have to cook the meal, so I'm going to say thank you but pass on the free be. Freshly sends meals all cooked, I just have to heat them up.

  6. Ugh blogger/my iPad ate my comment... in a nutshell: cheese balls/snacks = good! Lol

    1. Hahaha! I hate when that happens!
      And yes Cheez Balls = Good.

  7. I got an Instant Pot and a Food Saver for Christmas. I can cook up big batches and then pack up individual portions to put in the freezer. My new favourite thing is mason jar salads. I make up 4 jars of salad once a week, suck all the air out with the Foodsaver and they last for a week in the fridge. It takes me about 15 minutes to make up salads for the week that I can take to work for lunch. I'm loving it!

    1. You have a great system!
      I think I might want to strangle myself if I had to eat salad every day though.

  8. Also - and most importantly - the Instant Pot makes amazing cheesecake.

  9. The crock pot is my friend. And easy simmer sauces so I can make dinner really quickly when I get in from the horses (basically, sauce and either vegetables or chicken with sauce in pan on simmer for 25 minutes with lid while I shower or crash on sofa). That's the only way I survive cooking during the week.

    1. And a rice cooker. And bagged salads.

    2. All good plans there! I love saucy stuff, and you're right they are quick and easy, especially with a rice cooker.
      I've been so afraid of bagged salads since they keep finding salmonella in them.

  10. I agree with Hello Fresh...everything that I have tried has been pretty good and fairly simple to make. Cheese balls rule!

    1. Hello Fresh is a great service! My brother uses them. But you still have to prepare the meals, which doesn't really help me in the 10pm dinner department. Freshly sends the meals all ready to go, just need to warm up them up! So hopefully they're actually good and not like tv dinners... My first shipment arrives today, so we shall see soon!

    2. warm up them up? I think they just need to be warmed... Lol.
