Outfit Day!!! We're returning to our regularly scheduled barn colors this week, but don't worry, there's something fun at the end so it's not completely boring. It's Shiny's turn to model, but I failed at getting a full pony photo today. Sorry about that... Anyway, here's what she had on today:
Bridle: Pinnacle
Brow band: Boy O'Boy Bridleworks
Saddle: Custom Saddlery
Saddle Pad: Mattes
This is the green version of the saddle pad Al was wearing last week. (He had the blue one.) I love these pads. 10/10. Highly recommend.Saddle Pad: Mattes
Boots: Eskadron
I say this every time I use these boots, but I really like them. I wish Eskadron would stick with a boot style and just change the colors each season. I'd love to have a shed full of these in different colors.That's what Shiny was wearing today and here's what I had on:
It's wonderful to have these beautiful sunny days, but it's terrible for mirror photos in my room. Helmet: One K Avance CCS Mips
I forgot a fresh photo of the helmet, but it was this one.Sweater: Old Navy
You guys have seen this sweater a lot. It's been one of my favorites the last two years. Starting to show the wear and is getting a bit pilly, but I don't mind that for a barn sweater.
Belt: Rebecca Ray
I love my fluffy cow print belt. It was an exciting day when it appeared under the clearance tab!Breeches: Tailored Sportsman
These aren't new, I got them sometime last year. But I forget if I told you their story. I was mildly obsessed with finding these breeches either used or on closeout. It was seeming to be a fruitless search for the longest time. I regularly checked the used TS Facebook page. I hunted Instagram and Poshmark. Nothing. And then one day they appeared! On Facebook. For $85 and barely ever worn. Totally worth the wait! And even better, they're side zip which is my preferred zip. They're also mid rise, which is my preferred rise too. What a find!Boots: Celeris UK
Here's the fun part! I've often said I can't decide which boots are my favorite. But that's a lie. These are my favorites. Hands down. I especially enjoy being at a barn where I can wear them without being told I'm going to negatively influence the children... Ha! When I had these made, I had to sign a waiver that I understood this hide might not wear well as a full boot. And there's a few places that they're rubbed a bit, like where the stirrup leather runs across the front and near the spurs. But honestly, they're holding up really well. I will absolutely get them again if/when they do wear out. That's it for today! I think the cow boots are less crazy when I don't go full cow outfit. But like, I do enjoy a good crazy full cow outfit, so fear not, that will happen again one of these days.
I am 100% here for the cow boots lol - and so glad the new barn family appreciates the lightness in life lol!