Wednesday, November 18, 2020

What's Up Wednesday


We're still plugging away over here getting used to our new schedule. But I have started signing up for lessons so that's some added "fun". And by fun, I mean angst and exhaustion. But like... the good kind of course. I have very little media this week. I take a lot fewer photos at the boarding barn. I think because it's more pressing I stay on schedule. But I'll try and do better next week. Let's go horse by horse for this week's recap.

I just flatted Baby B on my own on Saturday. He got a little annoyed with me when I really asked him to lift his belly and move through his shoulder. But once he decided to try it he was happy again. Sunday I did a lesson with him. The flat went fine, though we were riding outside where it was COLD and WINDY. Instructor had us open up the canter for a little gallop and I maybe got a little run away with... Lol! Nothing terrible though, he was just excited. We started jumping outdoors which began just as terribly as last week. I got very left behind over the first one. It's like I just have no idea where this horse should leave the ground. It's pretty embarrassing. Fortunately, Baby B gives zero shits about my idiocy so we carried on and it eventually got better. We wound up moving inside to jump which went an awful lot better for us. Below is a little clip from our last mini course. Not sure what happened to the quality, but you can see him being a VGB. 

Pammony pony is working as usual. I think chiro is finally coming out tomorrow. So I'm hoping she'll find something (preferably something she can fix) and we can get moving along a little more. He's been a good boy. Our rides have improved significantly since adding Mr Tappy to our rides.

Shiny pants has been pretty great! We haven't lessoned yet, but I'm going to find her one for the weekend to join. Probably one with some little kids so we can just pop a few crossrails for the first time. We haven't really jumped much in awhile. I rode her bareback on Sunday though and barn owner let me break the no jumping outside of lessons rule and we jumped a teeny tiny x bareback. It was adorable. She's just the best pony.

Of COURSE Eros has been his perfect self. That's what he does. We joined a flat lesson last night and let me tell you.... It was a lot. Definitely more work than either of us has been doing, but I don't think it was too much. Well. Maybe the no stirrup portion. That was a bit much for me... At one point I wasn't even holding on with my legs anymore. They were just numb. All finished. Checked out. No legs for me. Eros was hilarious you guys. I swear that horse has a timer in his head. After 25 minutes he just starts pulling me out of the tack. He's like times up lady! Time to stretch and go back inside for snacks. But we worked through that and finished the lesson. Phew. So out of shape. Both of us.

In other news, I took a saddle on trial for Eros. It's nearly perfect except it is lacking knee and calf blocks. Those are easy to add though (it does have padded flaps). In a rare instance of good timing, there is a saddle fitter/repair person coming out to the boarding barn next week so I can get that done right away. I'm going to ride in it one more time to make sure I like it and double check the fit. If that goes well, I'll get the blocks put on next week. And then I'll ship the temporary saddle off to Redwood Tack. She offered me just $100 less than I paid for it so that's practically breaking even if you ask me! And then this whole saddle shopping adventure will be OVER! Phew!

That's about it from here. Did you all have a good week? Getting lots of horsing done? Or are you tapering off for winter?