Wednesday, November 13, 2019

What's Up Wednesday

Ugh, you guys. It's so cold here! Like 20 degrees cold. It's TOO SOON!!!! Too soon. It's also making the transition over to the boarding barn a bit more... exciting. Shiny pants was SASSY last night! Lots of scooting and head tossing. I put her down to get a little free lunge this morning, so hopefully that will help. It was super windy last night, and that indoor can get rattling in the wind. So I don't blame her. Mother nature needs to calm herself down.
Otherwise, things seem to be going fine over there. Pammon had his wraps on when I arrived after work, and Shiny found a spot in the turnout rotation. I figured that would all smooth over quickly. Eros is 90% body clipped too which is wonderful. He had turned into one of those little wooly caterpillars. I imagine he'll be finished up today.
Since it's suddenly so cold, I've busted out the quarter sheets. Shiny looks extra cute in hers.
Photo from our last ride at home last week. It is nice to ride in a well lit indoor out of the wind, that is for sure! Definitely enjoying that part about boarding.
I finally got to have a lesson with Eros on Sunday. It proved to me how out of shape I already am. Just riding Shiny during the week (prior to moving of course) just doesn't require the same level of fitness as riding a full sized horse. It was a good lesson though, and nice to start getting back into jumping. I'm excited to ride him every day now!
Since I already told you guys all about moving yesterday, I don't have much else to report. Fortunately, life outside of horses has been fairly quiet which is nice while I adjust to our new schedule. I'm pretty type A, so big changes like this kind of require my full attention.
What about you guys? Did you have a fun weekend? Do anything exciting?


  1. Change is hard. V, v hard for us helicopter moms!

  2. I haven't ridden since last week because life has been busy, but I am loving having an indoor when I'm able to ride. I am rusty AF and out of shape. I feel bad for poor Manny having to put up with my terrible riding. The trot to canter transitions are so hard for me (thanks Dex for that PTSD), but Manny is very patient and usually the second transition of the ride is better than the first. Hoping to ride tonight!

    1. You'll get there! Just keep at it! Manny sounds like the perfect guy to get back into things with.

  3. Lessons really draw attention to fitness issues. Our temps were 15 yesterday and -2 today! (I'm talking Celsius).It's a hard change.

    1. Seriously! I'm huffing and puffing and shedding layers through the whole thing!

  4. ugh i got my horse proactively clipped this year ahead of our last couple shows, and i don't think my barn mgr used the right blade bc he's almost completely fluffed back out again, not even a month later :(

    1. I don't think it's the blades, Shiny too puffed right back up. I'm afraid the horses know something we don't about the upcoming winter...

  5. I cancelled my lesson yesterday lol. The high, during the day, was only like... 23 and my lesson was going to be in the dark. Without a true indoor, that just wasnt happening.

    1. Ugh, yeah, I'd have done the same! Call me a fair weather rider... I can take it! Lol!

  6. It's too cold and my office is freezing. All Jiminy wants to do is wear a blanket (I didn't clip him so I planned to go blanketless for him, but I was sad so I gave in and put a sheet on him and he's happy) and all Subi wants to do is stand outside, stare into space, and shiver. Horses.

    1. Haha! Oh Subi... I'm with Jiminy. I want blankets too.
