Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Truthful Tuesday

Ok, confession time... This one isn't horse related, but I feel it's time I admit it.

I don't make my bed most days.

There. I said it. Do you guys? I was listening to something on the radio and apparently I'm not a real adult because I don't bother to make my bed regularly. No real upset there, I've never admitted to being a real grown up anyway. But figured I should admit it out loud.

Artie doesn't judge my unmade bed!


  1. I straighten the bed up before we go to sleep at night, but I never make it in the morning.

  2. I make the bed exactly once a week, when I change the sheets on the weekend. I have to be out the door at 6:15 in the mornings - bed making is NOT happening LOL

  3. I certainly don't do like my parents with the special fancy pillows or a bedspread so I just don't think there is anything to "make". I pull the blanket up after I get out of bed, mostly just so the dogs don't walk on the sheets, lol.
    My parents also have a dust ruffle. I bought a platform bed frame specifically to avoid that business.
    If I had the time to do fancy things with my bed I'd spend more time with the horses instead!

    1. Hahaha! Right? Why waste time on the bed making? My guest room have dust ruffles, but mostly to hide all the clutter I'm storing under them...

  4. My bed only gets made on Fridays - when the housekeeper does it, lol.

    1. Haha! Yes, same. When my sheets get changed by the cleaning lady!

  5. I've been trying to make my bed more in the new house, but it's still unmade at least 80% of the time 😅 but I already knew I wasn't a real adult 🤷‍♀️🤦🤣

    1. I think I tried that when I first got my house too. It didn't take.

  6. Mehhh I don't really make my bed. I would say that now it's because with my husband working nigths and me working days, the bed isn't really unoccupied for any length of time... but we've never made our bed.

    I pay my mortgage. That's enough adulting for me lol

    1. Exactly. I'm pretty good at the important adult things. Just not so much the bed making.

  7. I used to not and used the whole "it's harder for mites to multiple/move if you don't" as the reason why lol. I've been trying to lately thanks to reading a website called "Unfuck your Habitat", I found it 100 times easier to make my best everyday when T was not home one weekend - turns out I hardly move or ruffle the bed - he on the otherhand really messes it up! lol

    1. Haha, yeah I don't really mess it up that badly usually. Most nights I don't move at all.

  8. I only started making my bad this year after we moved because my one dog likes to lay on the bed and I'm allergic so I don't want her on the sheets. Prior to that I never made my bed.

    1. That is a good reason. I too would make the bed if that were the case.

  9. I like to have things straight and sort of even - curtains, bedsheets, pillows, pictures, books etc - and did this for quite a while. Unlike my mother in law who irons her pillowcases and sheets every other day! omg - that is a bit much. Lately, my hubby gets up way after I leave the house in the morning and he doesn't make the bed, so it doesn't get made. The only time it is all straight and made is when I change the sheets and tidy up.

    1. I do love things orderly! But apparently it doesn't carry over to the bed.

  10. Replies
    1. It would seem I'm very much not alone. Maybe it's a horsegirl thing?
