Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Truthful Tuesday

You GUYS! I got to ride a horse yesterday! Not one of my herd obviously, but my wonderful friend from Katie Wanders let me ride her triple XL sized pony yesterday.

17.3 hand Danish Warmblood does in fact make my butt look smaller.
I'll talk all about it tomorrow on What's Up Wednesday, but I'm mentioning it to day because it leads into my confession...
I've really let my self go. I mean, I rode for maybe 20 minutes (cause old asthmatic lady couldn't breath) and I'm definitely feeling it today. My arms are sore, my legs are sore, my BUTT is sore... Someone clearly needs to start working out! But it's so completely worth it. That twenty minutes was the highlight of the last three weeks for me.
Have you ever taken a hiatus from riding only to discover how much of a work out it REALLY is when you get back on?


  1. Yay for getting back in the saddle!!!

  2. Woohoo!!! That horse looks gigantic (and very handsome)

    1. He IS! It was not easy to get the saddle up there!

  3. a) that horse is giant
    b) oh don't remind me, I'm DREADING how out of shape I'm going to be when I get the all clear to ride again. Three months of not being allowed to do anything?!

    1. He's so big.
      Ugh, I feel you. It's worth it though!

  4. I can totally relate. It's worth it though!
