Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Truthful Tuesday

Ok, so TECHNICALLY it's already Wednesday, but I haven't gone to sleep yet, so I'm counting it as Tuesday. I have three confessions today. The first is super short, so we'll start there. I had a vet appointment scheduled for today for the boys to get their vaccine boosters. So I took the whole day off! For a 10 minute appointment. Yep. Sure did. But I used today to address all of my holiday cards and do almost all of the wrapping. So it was super productive. Which leads to my other confession: I'm RIDICULOUSLY late with my holiday cards.

They're done now and are going in the mailbox tomorrow. But I usually try to have them out the first week of December. Here's what happened...
Originally I was thinking I would dress my ponies in their new buffalo plaid outfits for our holiday cards. But being Jewish the red outfit seemed a bit too Christmassy. So then I had this brilliant idea to get them Chanukah outfits! Of course this was right around Thanksgiving which didn't give Tara at Hopeful Equestrian a whole lot of time to make it for me. But she said it could be done, so I waited. And waited. I didn't want to nag, because it was my own fault for deciding this kind of late. Finally I got shipping notice, woohoo! It was going priority mail so I waited a couple days and still no Chanukah outfits. So I tracked them... They don't track. Tara then contacts me that they came back to her, but she's got them headed back out again. Phew. Ok so that got them to me Friday. Saturday my friend met me to take pics. I picked out cards from Walgreens because they offer same day pick up. It was late night Saturday so I hoped they would be ready Sunday. Nope, website said Monday. But that's ok. Ish. Well, Sunday I'm minding my own business, finishing up the last of my holiday shopping when I get a call from Walgreens. They're having a problem with their printer and it won't be fixed until Friday! FRIDAY! Yeah, that won't work. I asked if I could have the order sent to a different store. But I have to do that myself because their system won't let them do that for me. But also I'm told I should call around because several stores were having troubles. Awesome. It took three stores, but I found one that could print the cards for me. Finally. I go online to re-place the order, only to find that my 50% off coupon had expired. Ugh! I ordered 140 cards, so that 50% was pretty necessary. Another phone call to customer service and 25 minutes later I have a new coupon code. Important to the story is that all of this is happening from the parking lot of my local outlet center. Ok, maybe not important, but it does add to the frustration of the ordeal. Thankfully, I picked the cards up without incident yesterday, and spent a good portion of today getting them addressed and stamped. I'll share photos of our outfits after Christmas when hopefully they will have delivered to everyone. I have a few left so if anyone wants one, send me your address!
And now for confession number three... I sent out my secret blogger santa gift today and wrote a note stating that I would disclose the small businesses each item came from on the back of the note. And then promptly forgot to write them on the back of the note.... So if you were my secret santa recipient, I'll comment where the items are from on your post, or you can comment here and I'll share! So sorry about that... My brain is shrinking I swear.
Anything you need to confess today? Do you send holiday cards?


  1. I am way too lazy to do holiday cards. I also put all the ones I get promptly in the recycling as I am essentially a 90 year old curmudgeon already. Also, did you seriously hand write all those addresses?

    1. Awww, no holiday spirit :p! I love getting cards, I hang them all up until February!
      I did,

    2. Do you just enjoy handwriting or do you have a particular vendetta against printing address labels?

    3. Hahahahaha! I haven't had a functional printer at my house in a long while. I just got one though, so maybe next year I'll enter the digital age!

  2. Well, you're still WAY ahead of me this holiday season. I didn't do cards... I only put up half of my decorations and I haven't bought a single present yet so........ #fail

    1. I have done pretty much zero decor... You've been busy finding a new pony though, totally reasonable excuse!

  3. i do cards but not that many of them. LOL My texas peeps i still send cards to and a few local but i do 20-30 cards or less. You my dear KNOW a lot of people :)

    1. Haha, I never think so until I start addressing all those cards...
