Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Truthful Tuesday: Chicken Edition

This past weekend Eros took part in a Nona Garson clinic, one day with my stepmom and one day with me. I'm going to talk more about the actual clinic tomorrow, but today I wanted to talk about being a little ascared...
So originally, I was supposed to be in the 2'6" group at 9:30 on Sunday morning. But then I got a text asking if I could do the 8 am group instead. I wasn't thrilled because the forecast said 29 degrees for that time... But I'm not really one to rock the boat so I said it was fine. I had seen the schedule earlier in the day, and it was also supposed to be a 2'6" group anyway.
Well. I get there in the morning, get on Eros, and take a look around at what's set in the ring. And there was a triple bar! A TRIPLE BAR! I've barely jumped an oxer on the horse, and there's a triple bar! OH, and it was set at 2'9". I think I may have jumped one actual 2'6" jump on Eros so far. Like one. Maybe two. And here I was going to have to jump a 2'9" triple bar. Oy.
Needless to say, I spent the flat portion mostly dreading what was to come. I've been starting the jumping portions of my lessons over something super tiny. Like basically a speed bump. But not so in a Nona Garson clinic. We started out figure eighting over a couple 2'6" verticals. I was petrified. I went last in the group (there were five of us). And I legit was panicked about jumping these little verticals. I did it though!
My photos are terrible video stills, but tomorrow I'll share some actual videos. Promise!
You guys. I'm not exaggerating when I say this: my heart was beating so hard after I took my turn, my chinstrap was vibrating. I've never felt that before. How ridiculous though right? 2'6" verticals causing such panic? I used to jump the 1.25M a/o's! Ugh. Each time I took my turn (the courses got a little longer each time) I finished with my heart just pounding away, like it might come right out of my chest. But you know what? Despite being pretty much completely panicked, I still managed to ride my horse. And things got easier each time. And we did the triple bar with zero troubles what so ever.

My last trip was probably the best, and you know what? When I finished it, my heart wasn't trying to beat out of my chest. And I actually had a lot of fun. Imagine that?


  1. How was Nona to ride with? She's one of my heroes.

    1. It's hard for me to really evaluate that well, because I'm starting over ya know? So I didn't really get that much out of it other than getting back out there. But for the higher levels she seemed to have a lot more to say and seemed more helpful.

  2. Good for you! Fear is rarely rational, I work in communications and I still severely get the shakes over public speaking in certain situations haha. But you did the thing anyway, yay! And did it well from the looks of it 🙂

    1. Thank you! I think fear can be really frustrating. On the other hand, it feels pretty great to work through it!

  3. As a weeny adult rider, I am ridiculously inspired by this. Yay for you! :)

  4. Request for chicken inspired outfit this Thursday!! 🐔

    1. Hahahahaha! Sadly, I do not have any chicken apparel.

  5. YAYYYY so friggin happy for you! Although it's terrifying to face your fears like that, it sure does feel good when you successfully overcome them! Yay for you and Eros!!

    1. Thank you so much! I have to thank Eros for being such a stand up guy!

  6. Ahh, I'm so glad the clinic went well! Your confidence will come right back <3

  7. Good for you for working through it! It will get easier every time.

    1. This is true! You just have to keep doing the thing until the thing is old hat.

  8. So cool you got through the clinic in the 2'9" group. I'm with you on terror so I totally sympathize. At least you've got a good boy in Eros to get you through.

    1. I really thought I'd have to drop out early. But Eros was like, "relax lady, this is nothing!" I'm really grateful all this is happening for me right now. Not sure how I got so lucky!
