Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What's up Wednesday...

Well... That's a loaded question isn't it? What's up Wednesday? It took me awhile to write this post. I had some time today that I could have spent working on it. But I had no words. I wasn't sure what to write. Do I write my usual recap from the past week? Do I talk about the election? I wasn't sure. I decided to wait. Try and find my words. Make some sense of my jumbled brain. Here's what I decided: I'm going to talk a little about what I learned over the last two days. Because I think I learned a lot. And then I will proceed with my usual recap because that is what Americans do. When tragedy strikes or bad things happen, we keep on going. And so shall my little blog.
Things I learned from this election:
1. The majority of the people I choose to surround myself with, share my views.
2. The majority of the people on my facebook timeline believe in working together, even those who don't share my views.
3. Those same people also believe in love.
4. My friends and I are frightened. But we will fight on.
5. Liberal Bias. It's real. Thanks to liberal bias and the fact that I choose to share my life with people who think as I do, I had no idea how many people didn't think like me. I really didn't.
6. I will not give up my rights.
7. I will fight for the rights of my friends who face a far more scary new world than I do as a straight white woman. Sure I'm a Jew, but I think it's one group Trump hasn't singled out. Though some of his supporters sure don't like my people.
8. There are a lot of people on the outskirts of my life that are far more progressive, loving, and inclusive than I realized. For that, I am grateful.

My day at work was stressful as it usually is on Wednesday. But it was a weird day. China threatened to raise prices by 15% just because. There was very little banter amongst my co workers. We all briefly considered some day drinking, but decided in the face of adversity we should probably not get fired. It was mentioned this evening that today felt a little like the day after 911. There is a sense of danger in the air. Uncertainty. Fear. A crashing stock market. But after 911 we Americans came together. Love won over fear, and we rebuilt our city. We mourned. We never forget, but we also moved on stronger than ever. Stronger together. And so shall we now.

So with all that said, let's talk about the past week shall we? I wish I had more to say and more media to share, but it was kind of a dull week. I've been riding mostly just Jamp. Romey grabbed his heal in turnout the other day. My helper for some reason decided Romey didn't need bell boots anymore for turnout. Clearly untrue. Thankfully he has agreed to use them again. Sheesh.
Fun fact, I've been wrapping left feet so frequently it was actually kind of difficult for me to wrap a right foot. He earned a couple days off for this one as he was pretty sore on it. He's also decided he shouldn't have to trot anymore. I'm having Ducky flashbacks you guys! I want to have the vet out again and see what's happening in his back. If it is in fact nothing, then we'll have to see about getting a little help with training since I'm a giant weenie.

I sat on Rio both days over the weekend. We even did a few steps of trot each way! Having not ridden  him in cool weather in so many years, I had forgotten how cold backed he gets. When I first got on Saturday he actually did a little leaping! Silly pony. I'm not sure if I'll sit on him again this season. We will see what the weather brings. But he's been doing some light lunging and hand walking which he likes too.

Jampy hasn't jumped in awhile. It's too dark out after work to jump. I don't have enough lights. But he's been flatting pretty well in between spooking. We had a really nice flat tonight. It was a little drizzly out, but fairly warm. It was a lovely distraction from the rest of the day. Thanks Jampy <3

My weekend was fun though! Saturday I rode everyone (or tried to, ahem Romey...) and then headed over to a friend's house for her annual after Halloween Party. The theme this year was Old Age Remembers the College Years. We were instructed to dress either as drinks or famous drink icons (for example James Bond or Carrie Bradshaw). I dressed as a beer:

I didn't have a lime hair tie, but the lemon was close enough. Don't ask why I have  lemon hair tie. I'm pretty confident that was one of those times I found things under a dollar to buy on ebay.
My phone dressed up like Vodka. Cause why not?
I got home not too crazy late but had to stay up and see my pugs for a while since they were alone most of the day. While hanging with the pugs I found Dreamer on tv. I checked to see what time it went until. It said 2 am for the ending, so I figured with the time change, that was actually 1 and that's not too bad... Except that at some point the cable company changed the clocks and that 2 am was ACTUALLY 2 AM. Oops. That's way too late for this old lady. Then I got a call at 6 am that my helper's elderly dog wasn't doing well and they were heading to the vet. Obviously, that's a really good reason to call out. The pup passed on laster in the day which I feel so badly about. Selfishly though, I was feeling pretty sad about only getting 4 hours of sleep. Yawn. It was nice to do the chores though. It's time consuming, but I really do think no one takes care of your stuff like you do. I always feel so accomplished when everything is squeaky clean in the barn.

And that about sums up What's up this Wednesday. Thoughts? Dreams? Fears? Let's chat in the comments. I feel like there's a LOT to talk about this week.


  1. I spent Tuesday drinking what I thought would be celebratory margaritas, and ended up just shooting tequila in an effort to cope. I also slipped and fell getting out of my bathtub (good lord, how old AM I?!) and have a giant goose egg on my head.

    It's been a rough couple of days.

    1. You know, some days you hug ponies to cope and some days you shoot Tequila. Tuesday was definitely a tequila shooting kind of day. Was the slip before or after the tequila?
      Hope today is going better for you!
