Wednesday, October 9, 2024

What's Up Wednesday


This time of year always feels kind of weird and off kilter to me. There's just a lot of things to do and plan for. Mostly little things, but they add up, ya know? So it's like busy, but only kind of? Know what I mean?

The horses have had a lot going on lately too, as we talked about, some of them had injections a few weeks ago, and then last week was fall shots and teeth. We had the chiro out yesterday. So they are feeling great! Just in time for the temperature drop... Lol! They've been a little spicy. 

We've also started transitioning to a new feed. The new winter barn feeds Proelite senior which is what I have been wanting to try for the boys for awhile now. So I'm excited about that. Al LOVES it. He generally picks at his food a bit. It's usually gone by the next feeding, but he doesn't gobble it down like the other two fatties. Well. Not anymore. Now he eats everything and licks the bowl clean. Very happy about that!

We haven't really done much jumping the last couple of weeks. The weather has been a little on and off, which keeps foiling plans. I'm hoping maybe tomorrow, but it's supposed to be pretty windy, which isn't ideal this time of year. Between the leaves fallimg, the pine trees pelting us with needles, and the neighbor with his constant "yard work"... I have to plan carefully when it's safest to jump these wild warmbloods. Even Shiny has been spooking at the neighbor this week. So anyway, let's talk about the horses. 

We'll start with Al because he's always the most interesting. He's been really edgy lately. On high alert much of the time, even in his stall. Lots of snorting. Not getting a lot done in our rides. I finally had enough and texted my vet to ask him if he thought it was possible the ulcers had returned already. And he said very possible. Fortunately, it was Friday and he was just down the road at my old winter barn. So I could pick up some Misoprostol right away rather than having to wait for it to ship and arrive next week. Guys. I was kinda scared to go over there. Okay, VERY scared. I did it though. Cause Al needed it. I hope he appreciates it! 

By Saturday afternoon, once he'd had two doses he was a new man. Thank goodness! I'm frustrated that he's in this position again, but very glad the meds are working. Also, I would have absolutely been ejected on Sunday if he wasn't already feeling better. Here's what happened. I was on Al, walking down the long side toward the barn. Well Al had noticed something moving in the bushes. I expected it to be a bird or squirrel, but no, it was the neighbor. He was retrieving a stick or something? I dunno. All sorts of creepy. Anyway, he gets whatever he was picking out of the bushes, and then proceeds to SHAKE A PLASTIC BAG OPEN right next to poor Al. I thought he was going to just check out right there. And he did get worked up. But all he did was throw his head in the air and dance a little jig. It took a few minutes to get him settled back down, but he DID settle, and then he went back to work and finished the ride. Had that happened earlier in the week, our ride would have had to just be finished. Of course now he's VERY SUSPICIOUS of that area, but we're working on it. Today, despite the wind and all his worries, he never actually spooked. He broke gait a few times and gave some good stares, but the dragon breaths didn't happen, and he never fully spooked. Like no steps sideways, no propping, no running away. Which is more than I can say for either of his siblings today!

I'm not sure if the neighbor has just been absolutely torturing the horses during their turnout or what this week, but they are ALL suspicious of him. Shiny spooked at him twice today and he really wasn't even doing anything. They're all especially distrustful when they see him lately. Might just be because the leaves are falling so they can see him better now? I'm not sure. Regardless, it's pretty annoying. 

Shiny's kid was busy this week, so I got to jump my own pony on Friday! It was fun and she was great. I haven't gotten to try her over jumps since she got her hocks done, and she's definitely feeling so much better. I still wasn't thrilled with her left lead canter, but her chiro found what I was feeling and got that fixed for me. She felt fantastic today. We really love our chiro vet. AND my new winter barn is actually closer for her, so that's exciting. I have confirmation from almost all of our care team now that they can come to the new place. I haven't talked to my farrier yet, but he's due out in the next week or two. And he travels literally everywhere, so I can't imagine it will be an issue with him. I haven't yet reached out to any trainers because I just can only handle so many things at a time. But I have been thinking on it, and I have a few options to reach out to when I'm ready. I'll probably wait until we get settled at the new place. 

I had a Pivo malfunction the one day I took it out for our rides when it came time for Eros' turn. So he doesn't have any pretty riding pictures this week. Maybe next! I did pop him over two or three tiny jumps on Friday, but I think he was still feeling sore from his shots as he was very quiet. Never even considered being a torpedo. It was lovely, but I quit after just a few because I don't make horses do hard things when their necks hurt. Depending on how ridiculous the wind is tomorrow, maybe we'll try again. If not? We'll pick another day! If he's as sassy as today though, there will be much torpedo action I'm sure. 

In other news, I decided that I can't stand looking at the navy stuff I have for the horses because to quote the kids these days, it's pretty triggering. The new barn doesn't care what the horses wear, and actually their colors are almost the same as mine, so I'm planning to use things I already have for the most part. I wanted some new turnouts for them, especially the heavies because my "heavies" here are more like mediums since we haven't wintered here in so long. So I placed an order today for those and decided to just get matching turnout sheets too. I wasn't going to, but we had a weird torrential rain storm Monday morning and our current turnout sheets did not keep the horses dry. So eh. Might as well treat ourselves. I've started selling off some of the blue stuff, so it should all end up getting paid for that way. I'm planning to spend this coming Monday both getting partially packed up for winter, and then also tagging all the stuff I'm bringing to the tag sale in a couple weeks. I have so much stuff that needs to get out of my barn and shed. Hope it all sells. 

I also ordered some containers for supplements/meds. The new barn likes for us boarders to measure them out so all they have to do is dump one thing into the bucket. Which I honestly prefer because I can be sure they're getting their supplements, and then also I have only myself to blame if I run out of something. I've been spending far too much time and energy figuring out what size containers each horse needs, and then also was trying to figure out the best drawer situation to keep them in. I actually found the best thing for them. I wanted something with seven drawers (each day of the week) but most were five. I settled on one with nine drawers. 

So anyway, I'm going to label a drawer for each day of the week, and then the supplement containers will go in there. Easy peasy for everyone! I also got labels with each horses name and either breakfast or dinner under it to put on the containers. I like things to be very clear and also very easy. I feel like it can't get much easier or more clear than this. Hopefully I don't come across as the psycho controlling helicopter owner... Heh. Possibly guilty. 

The other thing I wound up buying for the move was a Stanley trunk. I realize using the expensive trunk from the other barn seems to make the most financial sense, but the trunk room at the new barn is upstairs. And the show trunk is very heavy. So the Stanley just makes the most sense. They aren't very expensive and more storage is never a bad thing either. 

Okay, last thing that I find exciting though maybe it's just me... I got in touch with an old friend from high school who works with his family at a company that does vinyl wrapping. Like for boats and cars. And they're able to wrap the former barn trunk for around $200. Which, is pretty reasonable since getting new panels for it would be almost $1000. I'm waiting to hear back from them to finalize things, but it's going to end up being in my colors with my logo. We'll see how it comes out. Might not be nice enough to take to shows, but I think it will look pretty decent. I have a show trunk anyway, so I don't need it for that. I just would like it to look nice in my barn. My oldest trunks from the barn where I grew up riding are brown and tan, so they already pretty much match. If this one comes out great with the wrapping, maybe down the road I'll do those too. But we'll see about that much in the future.

I think that's it from here. If any of you need blankets or Two Horse Tack halters, or pretty much anything else you can think up, let me know! I might have what you need! 


  1. So exciting getting ready for the move, and what a relief that so far most of the care team can stay in place! Also I totally get ya on wanting to disassociate entirely with the former color scheme lol

  2. I deal with looky horses every time they shed their coats and get the new one in. It's two weeks of holding my breath and sitting deep.Hang in there!

  3. Things are coming together. Now if the neighbour would be less creepy.
