Um. You know what? I actually think I might be a reptile. Hear me out. Last week when we had a few days above freezing, I was all, "Let's get these horses fit and ready for some spring shows!!!" But now it's in the twenties again for like ever and ever into the future AND there's snow in the forecast pretty much every two days for the next 10... And I gotta be honest. My motivation is back to zero. Which, thankfully I was raised on guilt by a couple of boomers so I generally disregard my motivation and just do what I gotta do. So the horses are getting worked and hopefully fitter. But I will admit that we still haven't really done any jumping. They all got their feet done Saturday too which kind of messed up our schedule a little. I will admit that I absolutely used that as an excuse to be a little lazy. But it was a valid excuse. I don't really like to jump the day they get their feet done unless I can do it beforehand. And Sundays are for fundays so ya know. Couldn't do it then either! Lol.
In case you haven't inferred from my rambling I don't have much to write about this week. But I'll give it a go. Al has been consistently inconsistent under saddle which is just who he is as a horse. But after speaking with my vet we decided to put him back on the Misoprostol. His spookiness has kind of ramped up, and while he's still more relaxed for our rides than he was a few months ago, he's spooking a bit more each day and starting to shut down a little too. Not as badly as he has in the past, but it's there. He's also been picky about his feed again. So back on the meds he goes. They arrived last night and he started them today so we'll see what we get in a few days. His canter is much better though, and he is doing some really brave things on all his own which I'm really proud of him for. Tuesday I lunged him before we rode because I had a feeling he needed to get some bucks out. With how the weather has been, they really can't do much playing out in the paddocks. The ground is either rock solid or slippery mud and so they mostly just stand around out there. Anyway, while we were lunging Tuesday, Al actually lunged right up next to the end door that he typically avoids like the plague. He wanted to look out the window while going past, but not in a spooky way so I allowed it. He's never ever done that in this ring before. It's kind of a silly thing to be excited about, but you know what? Anything that brings joy is worth celebrating these days. Even if it's just your horse looking out a window.
Eros is feeling better and better these days. I think the Robaxin combined with finally getting his feet done are working wonders for him. We rode in the re-paneled saddle today, which... meh. I'm not convinced it fits him but to be fair, I have zero education in such things. He felt pretty willing and sound to ride, but I felt exactly the way I did before in it. I keep sliding back in it and it has me riding towards the back side of the flaps if that makes sense. It was nearly impossible to sit the canter. But if it turns out to be a perfect fit for Eros, then I will just suffer in silence up there. Time will tell. I sent some photos to the rep but she was off today, so we'll see what she has to say tomorrow. I think she's going to want a video so hopefully someone will be around when I ride him tomorrow to take one for me. If I've learned anything from this saddle experience it's to not try and save money on a saddle. I wish I had just spent the extra not that much more money and gotten him a custom one too. Live and learn I guess. Sometimes you get lucky, Shiny's saddle has worked great! But more often than not, I don't think you do. Saddle woes aside, the horse feels good, and that's the most important thing!And that's what we're up to here! Just kind of more of the same. Complaining about the weather and trying to push through the dark days of winter (and the collapse of our civilization... but I digress...). Hope you're all staying warm and getting through it too!
Aw yay Al for being brave! I started giving doozy sucralfate again more regularly (had downgraded to just when we are trailering or lessoning etc) and honestly I think it makes a huge difference in her level of chill. Gut discomfort can do crazy things to a horse I guess! And omg I feel ya on the motivation re: weather. All our snow melted and it’s like 40 and I get SO EXCITED, but then there are something like 3 separate snow events on the forecast for just the new week and …. Ugh BLEH
ReplyDeleteIt's crazy to me what a difference it makes. But also not that crazy. I lived a very long time with pretty severe acid reflux because i didn't realize that's not normal. And my anxiety levels came way down once my stomach didn't hurt all the time. Go figure!
DeleteAnd ugh, the weather! It's really unrelenting this year.
I have zero motivation. Thank god for the gym because I really just want to be a sloth.
ReplyDeleteRight?! I would love to just build a blanket fort and not come out until May.