Sunday, March 2, 2014

Quiet weekend at home

Ahhhh the weekend. A weekend with NO PLANS! None! And it didn't even really snow (yet, that's coming tonight, don't get too excited).
So what does one do with a weekend with no plans? That is a very good question. I'm actually terrible at free time. I don't quite know what to do with it.
Saturday I slept till 9. NINE! Whoa. That was crazy. And kind of awesome at the same time. Then I ran some errands, followed by quality grooming time with the ponies. According to them, Spring is near, and they are shedding all over the place. Good arm workout!
Rio wanted to take some selfies, so we did that too:

Not much cuter than pony selfies... Except maybe Artie Selfies:

See what I mean? I really can't be left alone with a camera and free time. The rest of Saturday was spent organizing things. I had about 5 years worth of photos sitting around in stacks. I sorted and boxed those up. My guest room is much neater today! I also sorted out all my jewelry supplies so the craft room is neater too. Phew. Glad all that got done!

I was feeling pretty guilty about not getting a run in, so decided Sunday morning I should do that first thing. I'm actually glad I waited! While it was snow flurrying, it was actually much warmer than it's been in awhile. After running the half last week, this was a "rest" week for me. I ran 3 miles each on Tues, Thurs, and Sunday. It was so nice to get outside today!  Here's what I wore:

My trusty Newton's, the Energy model, my favorite newish jacket from Puma (all those silver lines are actually reflective!), and my Lululemon pants I got on ebay (the ones with the leggings attached inside).
And some views from the run:

Not bad for a rest week! The best part was, I finished early enough to make it into town for breakfast. That's a huge win!

While puttering around the house after breakfast I decided to finish a project I started a few weeks ago. You all may remember my old kitchen:

Well I saved some of those awful tiles for nostalgia. And a few months ago on Little Black Bag they had these drawer pulls:

Everyone kept asking why I would ship one drawer pull. My plan was to make a jewelry box with my awful tiles and that awful pull. But I was having a tough time figuring out how to do it. Finally I decided to buy a trinket box and embellish it. So today I FINALLY finished it. It's nothing that impressive, and I'm sure I could have done some things on it differently. But I actually like it!

The rest of Sunday will be spent doing laundry, hanging with the pugs, and reading the Wolf of Wall Street for book club.
How was your weekend? Do anything crafty?


  1. Wow what a fantastic and productive weekend! rest, pony time, cleaning, and organizing, a run.... WIN!!!! Bradley is shedding like crazy too! I also groomed baby pony today and she was shedding! spring is near!!! oh and LOVE the jewelery box!

    1. Thanks! It was pretty lovely!
      Awww, I can't wait to see the little one all de-fuzzed!
