I know, I know... late again. Wednesdays, ya know? Plus it's fake Friday on a Wednesday, and that's just nuts. Let's jump right in shall we?
I've already whined about the snow last Thursday, but let's wander back there and talk about my truck. I haven't really driven the truck much since last winter due to not showing. I realize I should have driven it around town once in awhile instead of letting it sit, but I didn't. Fortunately, he started right up for me Thursday, and I took him to work. (Betty, my car, is useless in the snow. She's tiny, low to the ground, and rear wheel drive. Useless.) I drive home every day at lunch to feed the horses their lunchtime hay and let the pups out. When I was on my way back to work, a weird light came on saying something about servicing the charging system. No idea what that meant! So I called the dealership to see if it would get me home or not. They said to unplug the phone charger and if the light stayed off, I should be fine. I liked the sound of that! So I did, and all was fine. I made it home eventually in the horrible weather with no issues. For which I'm very thankful!

Despite all that gratitude on my part, the light came on again when I was driving to work the next day. Poop. But then it was off when I drove back home at lunch time. I figured I'd call the dealership again when I got back to work. But first I stopped at the rest stop to grab some lunch. I tried to open the window before I got to the drive through, and it wouldn't open. Odd. So I pulled into a parking spot. I turned the truck off, and then back on. Still no window function. Poop. So I figured, whatever I'll just go in for lunch. Only the truck wouldn't lock. Double poop. So I was like eff lunch, I'll just go back to work and scavenge for sustenance. So I climb back in, (literally, the automatic running boards weren't working either), and turn the truck on. All seems ok. Only it wouldn't go into gear. I couldn't get the damn thing out of park! UGH! I really had to get back to work.
So I called the dealership to explain what was going on, and the guy said, "huh... I've never heard of that!... Maybe I shouldn't have told you that." Lol. Maybe not. Long story slightly shorter, I had to get it towed to the dealer.
My dad and step mom were kind enough to leave me a car (how lucky am I to have retired parents with spare vehicles hanging around) so while I had to sit with the truck for two hours waiting for my tow, I was able to get back to work a little before four. I stayed and got caught up, and still made it home in time for my lesson!
Eros and I had a great lesson. We got to ride with two other adults which was fun. After having a successful clinic with Nona the week before trainer decided it was time to up the difficulty. Oye. We did a tight roll back to a triple bar. Seriously. And it wasn't a nice tiny jump exercise either. Oh no. Those jumps were at least 2'9"! Which I realize is tiny in real horse life, but not for me at the moment. Anyway, it was hard, and it took a couple of tries, but we did it! And it actually went quite well once we actually got it done. This horse really is something special. I'm kind of amazed that he's in our lives.
After the lesson, I headed home to snuggle the other special four legged men in my life. They've been pretty bored. Hand walking outside obviously hasn't happened in awhile between the septic issue and then the snow. But they're being the wonderful boys that they are all things considered. They've been getting lots of groomies and peanuts.
Speaking of the septic... It's done now. But look at my yard:
Dirt. Nothing but dirt as far as the eye can see. UGH. I really hope some good grass grows back over there next spring. For the horses' sakes! (So much dirt, waaaahhhhh!)
Anyway, Saturday I was up early to run a 5K in my hometown. I ran this one last year too. It's hosted by and benefits the elementary school I attended as a kid. There was a table selling bracelets there to benefit a little boy with leukemia. He lives next door to my mom, and is a wonderful little guy. I bought a handful of bracelets and wore a couple for the race so he could run with me in spirit.

I felt pretty great for the first half of the race. Like maybe I'm actually getting a little fit? But the second half was tough. There's a lot more uphill on the return but also, my right knee was being a little difficult. After the last few races I've run, I have felt a little runners knee after I was finished. Usually it was fine the next day though. Never has it bothered me while I was running. But this time, on the way back, it kept kind of locking up and was pretty painful. I took some walk breaks along the way, but I still managed to finish right around the same time as my last one. So that was pretty good! And the knee is doing ok now, so no lasting issues. I haven't tried to run on it yet though.
Due to all the snow, I didn't have Eddie to ride this weekend. His mom's farm doesn't have an indoor, and her outdoor was ice and snow. Yuck. Maybe next weekend!
I went out and rode Eros though, and he was fantastic. As usual. And then groomies and short inside walks for the bay boys. I had planned to catch up on the horse laundry now that the septic issue was resolved, but alas, I loaded the washer and it wouldn't turn on. Of course it wouldn't. I had a moment of despair at which point I asked angrily if ANYTHING I OWN WORKS?! And then I told myself to calm the hell down, it was just a washing machine (and a truck, but who's counting). Repairman is coming out Friday. Fingers crossed it's fixable.
I spent the rest of Saturday actually being productive. A friend of mine had mentioned she was collecting jackets and coats for the kids in the school she works at. Sadly, there are many kids there who don't even have a winter coat. And it's been cold. I have tons of stuff I need to clear out mostly that don't fit me, so I got to work cleaning out the outerwear. Between that and laundry, it was most of the evening. But I wound up with ALL OF THIS to send to the school:
Well not the box on the left side of the bench, that's a weed sprayer... But everything else. Is it just me, or does it feel amazing to clear excess stuff out of the house? And extra nice to know it's going to good use, and not just getting tossed in a landfill somewhere. I have a lot of cleaning out still to do, but at least the outerwear is done. Gotta start somewhere!
Sunday was a dreary day, but also a fairly quiet one. I rode Eros and groomed the bay guys. Followed that up with a little more purging of crap in the house. And then of course the best part of the weekend:
Pug snuggles! Seriously. Best part of any day.
This week, though short, was CRAZY at work. It's like everyone panics because a holiday is coming. Everyone needed everything yesterday. ALL DAY LONG. Annoying. Today was completely insane, but they said people could leave at one if they were done with all of their work. I stayed until about two, and then took off. Of course I have like 25 emails sitting in my inbox because how dare I leave early ever? Settle down folks.
Anyway, I left at two, went home and fed lunch, but then I had to drive back to the truck dealership to bring them the other key. Evidently the part they are replacing requires reprogramming the entire truck. I dunno... doesn't bode well to me. It's possible I have a lemon. This is already the second part I've had replaced in this truck. I got it January 2017, and it has 7000 miles on it. Not good friends.
I got to the barn around 4 to ride Eros, and he was getting his winter shoes put on.
I was a little bummed about the timing, but he was really overdue for shoes, so no complaints. He felt great when I got on. And what I really like is that my same farrier that I use at home shoes horses at the boarding barn too. So I get to keep my same guy.
Tomorrow I'll be up early to do the barn chores. Which I kind of like doing on the holidays, but I am NOT looking forward to it tomorrow. The high is something like 23, and with the windchill it will be 7. And that's the HIGH. So imagine what the morning will feel like. Pretty sure the boys won't want to be out very long in THAT. I'll try to step up my stall cleaning speed for them. They're doing mucking and mimosas over the boarding barn, but I'm guessing they'll be about done when I finish my barn. We are allowed to ride, but I'm going to see how cold it is. Don't want to stress Eros' lungs or anything. My family is all gathering at my brothers for Thanksgiving around 2, so I'll be there the rest of the day. I can't wait to stuff myself to the gills!
How was your week/weekend? Do anything fun with the horses? How are you spending Thanksgiving?