Wednesday, March 29, 2017

What's Up Wednesday

Well... It's Wednesday. The day I was going to fly down to see Badger. But I decided to stick around to keep an eye on Rio. He's still about the same. Chewing on the hay and spitting it out, but he is eating some of it at least. Otherwise he's in good spirits and he looks great. Very strange. My vet is in the area tomorrow so he's going to stop by and see what he thinks. Keep your fingers crossed he thinks good things.
The past week was pretty quiet other than all the Rio drama. But in a strange turn of events, I actually got to ride Jamp! Saturday it was kind of misting out and not a very nice day, but it was fairly warm. So I threw Jamp on the lunge line and then got on him. I have zero media, sorry... But he was pretty good for the first ride in quite awhile. Obviously we didn't do much, just walk. trot, canter each way. It sure was nice to be back in the saddle. Rio had a lunge too, but you saw that yesterday. I'm saving Romey's big return to work until hopefully this weekend, but I'm not sure the weather will cooperate. We shall see.
They all got shoes on Saturday.

Rio and Jamp weren't in bad shape. Romey however was kind of a mess. We had pulled his shoes when he popped a quarter crack at the beginning of winter. It grew right out which was great. The problem is that his left front grows very flat, sort of out instead of down. So his heel was too low and was getting sore. Now he has shoes back on and seems much happier. All of that is part of why I held off on starting him over the weekend. The other part is because I just didn't really want to. He's not going to be easy to get back to work.

I went out to the ring after their pedicures were done to pick up all the jumps that had blown over. And discovered my termite problem:
And by termite problem, I'm referring to his royal perfectness, Mr. Rio. It's a good thing he's the best horse on the planet or I'd be upset with him. Seriously though, he ate through the whole thing!
I was scheduled to complete week 5 day 2 of Couch to 5K on Saturday and I spent most of the day talking myself into putting it off until Sunday. But finally I made myself get on the treadmill. I found the perfect way to stay entertained for the duration though:

The last WEF grand prix obviously! It was an exciting grand prix and made the time on the treadmill nearly fly by. Too bad I can't watch horse shows when I run outdoors. 
I spent all day (pretty literally) Sunday trying to pack for my trip. I think I had so much trouble because deep down I knew I wasn't going.
Monday I had gotten myself all worked up over Rio once again. But the mail gods must have known I could use a little pick me up because my orphan boots from La Mundial had finally arrived! The one blue pair had needed some alterations, and they took a bit longer than planned. No worries though, it's not like I needed them! The first two photos are the navy boots, and the bottom pair are the black ones with the navy patent tops. Please excuse my running tights...

 So neither fits me like customs, but they are great for what I paid for them. The navy pair is a bit too short, but the legs fit perfectly! The black pair is a little wide at the top and the foot might be like a quarter size too big, but they fit my wide calves perfectly! Both pairs are really comfy. I wore them around the barn while I was feeding and cleaning up, and the ankles were already dropping and getting nice and soft.

The pugs are with me in waiting impatiently for some nice weather.

They've decided to just hibernate until it actually gets nice out. I may join them.

How was your week? Did you get to do anything fun? Go to a horse show? Run a race? Tell me all about it in the comments!


  1. Sorry you didn't get to go see Badger. We had a fun weekend. A show and a trail ride. Posts to come soon.

    1. It's ok. If I don't make it back down this month, he'll be home at the beginning of May.
      Can't wait to go read about your adventures!

  2. The pups are so squishy and cute all cuddled up!
