Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Truthful Tuesday: The one where the 900 Facebook Pony has too much influence over my shopping problem.

On this cold rainy day, I thought I might confess to falling victim to Amanda's (the900FacebookPony) powers over my shopping problem. We're focusing solely on my grooming boxes today because I have had some semblance of self control so far with regards to anything more expensive. Let's take a look at one of my grooming boxes, shall we?

Prior to finding Amanda's blog, my boxes had a few brushes (none expensive), maybe a few too many curry combs, some hoofpicks, mane comb, and tail brush. Mainly these things:

But thanks to Amanda, I've added the not at all cheap Prinze brush (and also the Diva brush pictured here but that one's not her fault).

And this crazy little shedding contraption, which by the way, my angry Thoroughbred LOVES. Go figure.

None of her suggestions have ever disappointed. And none of these things are crazy expensive except for the fact that each of my horses has his own set of brushes. So I have to buy four of everything! Then it gets pricey...
Have you been influenced by any bloggers to buy something new? Were you satisfied with the purchase? What did you get?? And lastly, is there anything awesome you're currently using that I should know about? Clearly I can't control myself so what should I buy next?


  1. She is responsible for 50% of my impulse purchases. The other half can be blamed on SprinklerBandit 😂 also maybe my non-existent self control comes into play?

    1. The blogosphere is dangerous on the wallet. So is Instagram. All the sales! Every day... Someone take away my credit card.

  2. Yeah... the Leistner brushes are expensive, but amazing. #NoShame

    1. That Diva brush was too! I think it's Haas. Those Germans sure know how to make grooming tools!

  3. Whaaaaaat, meeeee? Little ol meeeee???
