I not only ran 2 5K's last weekend, but I also completed a couple of virtual runs. I used my two treadmill runs I mentioned a couple weeks ago, plus a 1 mile walk with the puggers to complete the Beat The Blerch Virtual 10K. This was supposed to be done in September... but you know, better late than never! I signed up for this one because I love stuff. And look at all the stuff you got!
Stickers, a t-shirt, a sweatband, a stressball, some mints! So much swag! Oh and don't forget the medal!
Virtual run number two was the Virtual Pug Run! This year the medal was a Puggerfly. Last year the medal was the Mystical Pugicorn. You can read about that one
here. Last year I set aside a day to take my time and run the 10K all in one shot. But this year with the two 5K's scheduled, I just decided to use those two for my Pug Run. Check out this medal!
Yes it has sparkles! I hope they keep having these every year. The Pug medals are my FAVORITE! And they benefit the Illinois Pug Rescue, so it's a great cause.
Enough about the virtual races though, let's chat about the real 5K's! Saturday was the
Ivoryton Library's Run Local Read Local 5K. I've done this one every year since its inception. And not to brag... but every year I've won a costume award. The first few years were with groups, then I had a couple best female awards. Last year was a bit of a stretch, I won best purple costume... And this year I won best costume... I pretty much was the only one who dressed up. Whatever. I still won!
I went as french fries. We all know I run for food after-all! This race is pretty challenging as the middle mile is on a narrow, mostly uphill trail. I'm no trail runner, so that's tricky for me! The first mile is mostly downhill, which is lovely. Except that means you go up all the way to the finish. Why do races love to do that to us? I was super happy to finish with a not at all embarrassing time considering my lack of training and fitness.
I was raising the roof apparently at the end? |
10:12 average! Not bad at all. And I ran the whole thing! No walk breaks! Good job self. Did I mention how cold it was:
Yeah. Dear weather, it's October, not November! Settle down. Sheesh. Here's my loot for winning best costume:
Sunday morning I awoke bright and early to get to 5K number 2 of the weekend. This one was the
Run for the Cove 5K. This race benefits The Cove which is a support program for children who have lost a parent. My younger brother lost his mom when he was a teen, and this group was wonderful for him. My business is a major sponsor of the race, and I try to run every year. We are very grateful for the program.
I had thought Saturday was cold... right up until Sunday happened.
That's practically freezing! And I had no french fries to keep me warm. Sad face. I wore my pug pants though, since I knew I'd be finishing my Pug Run.
The Cove race is held at a local state park which happens to be pretty close to where I live. The Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot is held at the same venue. The best part about this park? No it's not the beach. It's that it is FLAT! Of course being out of shape and frozen means that didn't translate to fast for me.... But I did manage to run the entire race with no walk breaks. And I was just a touch slower than the day before.
10:28 average! Really not bad! And I wasn't even sore until Tuesday... Not sure how the delay worked on that. Bodies are weird.
So that's my running post you've been awaiting. In true lazy runner fashion, I didn't run this week. But I'm hoping to get some miles logged this weekend. We'll see how it goes.
Have you run any race lately? Have anything on the calendar? Tell me some running stories in the comments!