Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thursday's Threads


Outfit Day! Full disclosure, I'm not tired of my awesome new boots yet, so you're going to see them again today.

I toned down the iridescent stuff this time, because you can't be that epic all the time. Instead I went more with the unicorn theme. 

Helmet: One K Glamour
I almost forgot I had this helmet. I wish the sparkly part shone with colors, but the gray is nice too.

Top: Sweet Iron Co
Why yes, that is a purple unicorn shirt. I wish they'd make some new patterns over at Sweet Iron Co. I love these tops!

Belt Buckle: Swanky Saddle
Belt: Unknown brand
I think this buckle is ADORABLE! It has a light coating that makes it shine iridescent when the light hits the right way. Super cute!

Breeches: Tailored Sportsman
These are a nice gray color even though they look kind of beige in this photo... Snagged these when a tack store went out of business. Only time you can ever find TS for less than $120.

Boots: Celeris UK

I'm still in love with them. They are perfect in every way. They're pretty much completely broken in too. Best boots ever! 

Arm Party!!
Lefty is wearing my slow twist bracelet from Loriece, a little iridescent bracelet that I made, and my trusty watch.

Righty is also donning bracelets made by me. Another little bit, one with some cute starts, and then a larger eggbutt bit. Oh and my Fitbit too.

That's what I wore last night to ride, and here's what the kids wore:


Bridle: Royal Equestrian
Browband: Evo Equine
Bit: Punk Ponies
Saddle: Butet
Saddle Pad: Hopeful Equestrian
Half Pad: Ippico

Boots: Eskadron


Bridle: Nunn Finer (I think)
Browband: Dark Jewel Designs
Bit: Punk Ponies

Saddle: Butet
Pad: Premier Equine

Boots: Premier Equine

Fear not, this is not the last you'll see of my amazing boots. I'll try to mix it up for next week, but they'll be back!
Any favorites today?


  1. The belt buckle is my favorite part!

  2. "I toned down the iridescent stuff this time, because you can't be that epic all the time."

    Um, false. You CAN and what's more important, you SHOULD 😍

  3. i love every single thing in this outfit post. i want the purple unicorn shirt????

    also i covet that PEI sheepskin pad. and all the little cute iridescent bracelets youve made for yourself.

    1. You NEED the shirt! They are great quality, I recommend!
      Thank you!!!
