Kind of a slow week over here. It's getting dark earlier and earlier so my weekday rides are all flatwork. BORING. Ha. But necessary of course. I have to give big props to the Shiny pony. She's the same horse in the dark with the lights on as she is in the daylight. I haven't yet ridden Eros in the dark... but I'm not really looking forward to it. Lol. He'll be fine I'm sure, just tense and distracted. It's got cold here out of nowhere. Highs in the 50's for a few days, and we've had 30's overnight a couple times even. So I feel better about splurging on new blankets. Plus, they look fab on the kids.
My home office has been super chilly, so my coworker and I have been working with a heated blanket. Best purchase ever btw.
Anyway... On to horse news! We'll start with Pammon.

Saturday morning, I went out to ride him and was having a nice enough ride. He, as usual, was very busy looking out the windows of the indoor to see what was happening outside. Normal for him. He lacks focus. So we did our loose rein trot for awhile and then moved on to a little loose rein canter. Came back to trot and started putting his body together. Things were fine. I asked for canter with a little shape. So far so good. We come through a turn, and he's looking out into the lounge area. And then he trips. He tries for several "strides" to recover but can't and down we both go. Ugh. We were both mostly fine, though I have a pretty sore rib area. Not sure if from being tossed onto his neck, or if it's how I fell. He feels about the same as before though, so I think he's fine. I am wondering why my horses keep falling down in that indoor though. In this instance, it was probably at least partially due to being aced. But still. Horses should stay upright!
It was a bummer that happened in the morning though. I had planned to jump Shiny Saturday, but my stabby rib told me maybe I should postpone. So no fun media from me this week either. Boo! Shiny and Eros were both very good all weekend though. Much appreciated.
In the past, I think I'd have tried to jump anyway. But in my old age (I am 40 now guys) I'm learning that sometimes it's better to let things heal instead of making them worse. It's annoying. But in the long run, probably the right call.
Instead of working super hard, we had snacks and bareback rides on Sunday... (Okay, I rode Eros and Pammon with a saddle. Shiny had a bareback ride.)

The only other exciting thing this weekend was probably only exciting to me... But I'll share anyway, since it's my blog. I've been casually looking for a table for my kitchen. I never thought I wanted one, but I set up a folding table in there a couple years ago at holiday time to wrap presents and then never took it down. So I realized, maybe I did want one. And maybe something nicer than a plastic folding table. My house was built in 1759 but has had many upgrades since then (obviously). All along though, all of us owners of this house have tried to keep the old timey feel. I added pretty modern furniture because I love the juxtaposition. While I kept my kitchen cabinets wood colored to stay with the old feel, I do have a really fun green granite counter. So I was thinking for the table, I wanted something wood, but not heavy looking. Kind of old and modern all at once. I found several tables I loved. I was looking at a lot with a raw edge. But they were stupid expensive which wasn't what I wanted. (I prefer to spend my money on horses and boots, clearly.) Finally, I found... a wooden folding table! Best of all worlds if you ask me. If I change my mind about it, I can store it easily and use it as needed. I decided to do a small bench on one side and two chairs on the other. And I found chairs that are upholstered in almost the exact green of my counters. Imagine that?! Despite expected delivery dates in October, everything arrived this weekend. So here's the finished product:
The woods are all a little different, but I think close enough. Also, excuse the messy looking pantry in the background... I'm thinking about putting a sliding barn door over there but haven't done it yet. It has no door at the moment, but I think it would be nice to close it off. Or have the option at least.
So that's it! How was your week/weekend? Everyone stay upright? I recommend that. The older I get, the more it hurts when my horses fall down.