Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Truthful Tuesday

I bought the Tipperary Mips helmet. For all the riding I'm not doing... I had a moment of weakness over the weekend. My 40th birthday is in 9 days, and obviously I will be celebrating that by myself... So you know. I had to treat myself. Plus, I mean, I'm going to be REAL weak and rusty when I do ride. And none of my horses have been ridden in ages. (Seriously, Pammon was last ridden in October. Eros I think February?) So a good helmet is really kind of a necessity don't you think? The chances of me not staying on are pretty good...
I got the one with the rose gold because I still plan to show (hahahahaha if that ever happens again) in my Samshield because I'm vain. And it's comfortable and fits well. And it was stupid expensive.
Anyway, the new helmet is this one:
So that's my confession today. I'll share photos once it gets here which should be Friday. I've heard they fit oval heads well, so fingers crossed!
Anyone else have one yet?


  1. My birthday is Friday and I was supposed to be at a show. My plan is to sleep in, order tacos from my favorite taco place and then eat my body weight in ice cream. Yay for healthy coping mechanisms!

    1. Update: I just got a large check from my parents for my birthday, and some of it went to a really nice bridle. I'll be good and put the rest in my savings account.

    2. Ohhhh!!! Happy almost birthday! And woohoo to the parents for the generous gift! Which bridle did you get?

  2. I had been eyeballing them, but my tack room renovation budget came first, since I am also not actually riding 😂 my next helmet is definitely going to be MIPS, I wish I could try one on! That was my goal at Land Rover this year, which obviously is not to be.. 😭

    1. I'm sure there will be more and more options as time goes on. So probably smart to wait.

  3. Tipperary really stepped up their game with these new helmets. Can't wait to see it "in person" aka on a real person's head ;-)

    1. I agree! I never even look at them when I'm in the helmet section. But these are pretty!

  4. That is a snazzy brain bucket. I too have been doing some online buying. I may or may not have ordered a new fly bonnet so that my favourite saddle pads are matched with the bonnet.......

    1. Oh I support that decision! Can't wait to see photos!

  5. You know I'm not a fan of tipperary but when I saw this helmet I thought it was pretty nice!

    1. Same! And I've really been wanting to try a MIPS helmet.
