Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Truthful Tuesday

I'm full of great ideas. Seriously, I come up with some fantastic things (occasionally)! However, deciding  to start riding AND running again at the same time was probably not one of my better plans. My legs are killing me! No pain no gain though, right? RIGHT?! Please someone tell me I'm right....
I know after a week or so my body will be like, oh sorry about that. I was just kidding. But in the meantime, if you see me hobbling by, pay no mind. Also, it's days like this that I really miss our old office. The one where I worked on the first floor and didn't have to climb any stairs.


  1. i work on the fifth floor (and sometimes i do take the stairs, hahaha!). i feel your pain, hahah :D

    Animated Confessions

    1. If I had to go up 5 flights today... I'd have to work from home! Haha! Thankfully it was just one!

  2. You are so right about the no pain no gain, but girl my legs were starting to shake just reading this post haha! But seeing as how my diet has been so bad these past two weeks, good for you for getting back into an exercise routine. Just think...summer body!!


    1. Don't feel too badly. I ate candy for dinner tonight ;)
