Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Truthful Tuesday

Ugh. I am such a running loser! After my run Sunday I was super gung-ho to get back on the running wagon. Even semi-committed to running a half in September. Yet this morning, I hit snooze too many times and didn't have time to get out there. And you know what? I have no excuse at all other than sheer laziness. I'm hoping to sneak in a 3 miler after I ride tonight. Someone please hold me accountable!

Do you struggle with getting your workouts done in the morning? Why can't it stay light out until 10 pm so I could fit more in at night?!


  1. You can do it! Sometimes, it's hard getting up in the morning, but I have limited time at night, so I either suck it up, or I suffer having to run in the early evening when it's agonizingly hot and humid. Once you get in an established routine, it's easier.

    1. So true! I did actually find time to run after taking care of the horses. 3 miles which weren't so bad until I ran through an ENORMOUS swarm of bugs that I didn't see and ate a couple... ew!!
