Confession: I've filled all the closet space. ALL THE CLOSET SPACE. And the dresser too. I didn't fully realize it until I went to put away the laundry and couldn't... I think my recent online shopping binges are to blame... partially at least. So amidst my Tuesday confession, I will show you all the items I've wasted money on in the last couple weeks that have caused my closet to explode.
First, I finally caved and became a VIP at It's a the sportswear division of and is the brainchild of Kate Hudson (you know, the actress) supposedly. I've resisted because I REALLY don't need more workout clothes. Especially given my lengthy running hiatus... But then again, I'm back at it, and new outfits do help motivate me ;) Also, they were offering a special deal of an entire outfit at 75% off. That meant for $18.00 I could have the running skirt I'd had my eye one, a sports bra, and a tank. That's pretty tough to pass up. Of course I had to also add on the items I'd been coveting that were still in stock too... Here's what I ordered:
running skirt |
Love this skirt! I was afraid it might be small, but it actually fits pretty well.
sports bra |
I got this in an XS because, well..., I have an XS chest! But it's really tiny. I'm too lazy to send it back though, I think I'm just going to give it to my coworkers daughter.
tank |
LOVE THIS TANK! Yes that much. It's so soft, and fits perfectly. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
capri length sweatpants |
I like to call these weekend pants. They are great for lounging around and can double as jammy pants. So long day of horse showing, running, whatever... Take your evening shower, hop into the weekend pants! No need to change to jammies after, just head straight to bed! Best pants ever.
capri length wind pants |
I honestly had no specific need for these. But I really really wanted them. They are the best fabric, it's really soft, but still wind proof. I have no idea what I'll wear them for... but they are fantastic!
full length wind pants |
This is a terrible photo. They're navy blue with a pink waist band. These are the same amazing material as the green pair above, but full length. They're actually a tiny bit too long for me, but I think with sneakers on they'll be fine. These will be great for morning runs in the fall, when it's a little too cool for shorts, but not so cold you need tights.
After spending a total of $115.00 on clothes I didn't need at Fabletics (so much for the $17.00 outfit right? I'm such a sucker), I then stumbled on the HUGE end of season clearance sale at TJ Maxx online. And yes, I bought more workout clothes. Seriously, I think there's something wrong with me. Here's what I got there:
Pink and blue capris |
Most of my leggings are black... so obviously I needed a blue pair. Duh.
pink and black leggings |
I honestly can't even justify these. But they were only 9.99.
Hind Tank Tops |
These I can totally justify. I love this brand. I love the fabric. So much love!
Sports bra |
Hey the Fabletics one didn't fit...
Tank | |
Um... I just like it. A lot. Stop judging.
Umbro 2-in-1 shorts pink |
Umbro 2-in-1 shorts black |
I actually really did need shorts. I'm a little... ahem... chubby for the ones I have currently. And I have fallen in love with 2-in-1 shorts. So therefore I had a need. They actually make my butt look weird, they kind of bubble out. But they're so comfy I don't even care. I've already worn them both!
work top! |
I loved this so much I wore it right away. You can see it on Thursday's Threads last week.
Neon yellow striped tank |
It's neon. Clearly I needed that.
Cotton Dress |
I got this to wear as a beach cover up. It's perfect for that job!
macrame slip ons from Esprit |
I've been searching my house for these shoes, but apparently I didn't actually own them. Now I do! Which leads to confession number two... I bought another pair the same day from without realizing it. Thankfully they're a slightly different style... SLIGHTLY.
I initially went to just to get a sunflower infinity scarf to go with my adorable sunflower sunnies. But then they had a giant clearance sale and $5.00 shirts. It was all downhill from there.
So I mean I DID accomplish the goal of getting the scarf. But then I also found some cute bracelets and neon sunnies. Of course I need neon sunnies, especially for 4.99!
These would be the second pair of macrame shoes... See, they're different! (a little)
And $5.00 sweatshirts... You don't pass that up! Especially when they are neon or reference cowboys. The top middle one with the stripes I am passing on to someone younger. It's cropped which I didn't realize. I'm too old for that nonsense!
Panda bear bikini in mint? What about this would lead you to NOT buy it? I couldn't find a reason.
Pants... So as a runner who runs solely to be less fat, I HAD to get french fry leggings. HAD TO. Believe it or not, I have a tank top that matches the kitty/pug pair already. The sunflower ones I am giving away. I thought they were leggings, but they're more like MC Hammer pants. I'm not sure I can pull that off. And sadly the neon pants are too small for me. It would cost me more to ship the items back than I paid for them, so I'm just going to pass along the things that didn't work for me to my coworker's daughter.
Tanks! I think the My Little Pony one goes without saying... The white one is really cute, it has a muted flower design throughout. The peach top is REALLY cute, it has a ruffly bottom. The mint one is just a cute lacey tank. Love the color!
Cami's! I wear cami's under everything and have a bunch that are getting threadbare. So these are replacements.
I was hoping this would be adorable with my matching sunnies. But alas, it's a bit too cropped for my liking. I'll pass this along too.
Long sleeve t-'s! I love these. They are SO SOFT! And cute colors too!
Neon pansy dress. I had figured this would be cute at the beach, but it's actually really nice and heavy duty and not made for beach wear. Also the top is too big for me. I would really like to have it made into a skirt though... Going to see if I know anyone who's capable of doing that...
I thought this dress was so cute when I saw it! But once I got it home I realized I saw a pre-teen wearing it at the awards banquet last year, and decided I'm probably too old for it? I still really like it though, so I'm keeping it for now. It fits great, and looks nice... Just not sure. Thoughts?
So... that's my confession for today. I'm a shopaholic with no more space. Once I have a free weekend, I'm going to have to go through the closets and drawers and make up some goody bags for all my friends' kids!
Anything on your mind today? Find any good deals lately?