Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Truthful Tuesday


On this eve of Pia's 17th birthday, I have to confess something. Some days I find it hard to have a geriatric doggo. The truth is, this will be her last birthday. She's starting to have the less good days more often, and I always promise my older dogs that we aim for no bad days. And so I know that time is coming. But not yet. Not today. And I'm grateful for every day that we get to enjoy each other. 

And while I'm forever thankful to have her with me each and every day. I have to admit that sometimes it's hard. I got home pretty late from the barn today, and my springtime allergies are going crazy this week. So I was tired. And when I walked in the door, I was welcomed by dog poo... dog poo that had been walked in. And dog poo footprints. It was a scene. So obviously, before I could shower and eat dinner, that had to be cleaned up. And the dog too. And then she and Rita needed their dinners. 

Finally I got to shower. And then made dinner. As I was bringing it to the table, I see P pooping again. On my carpet. Sigh. Cleaned that up. Told P it was okay. Finally got to dinner at 8:30. Mood drastically improved. (Nobody tells you that you have to eat pretty regularly when you get old, or you get tired and cranky. It's a real thing guys! And I had skipped lunch today.)

So now it's 9:45 and P is having a bit of a senility episode. When this happens, she just barks. Constantly. It can go on for hours. Sometimes all night. Nothing is wrong, she's just confused. If you check on her and snuggle her she stops for awhile. But usually it starts up again unless she falls asleep. So Rita and I are watching tv and listening to P bark. And it's hard. Because you know that this means the time is coming. But not today. And for that I'm still grateful. 


  1. Having old doggos is hard ♥️ with two dachshunds at 13/14 and two big dogs at 10/11, I know I will have some hard days coming sooner rather than later. But you're right, we can still focus on the good parts of the good days ♥️

    1. I hope the days are in the far future for you! It's so hard to see them slow down.

  2. aw Pia <3 she's lucky to have someone so dedicated to the quality of her days! it's really the best we can do for our sweet pets

    1. Right? All we can do is love them. Even if it's hard.

  3. It's so hard to have them become seniors. My bigger dog (English setter) in 11 1/2 and my Chihuahua is almost 14. They're both doing well now, but I know the days will come when we have to do more specialized senior care. Pia is very lucky to have you. Happy Birthday sweet Pia!

    1. I hope you have many years before the hard parts. I was so lucky to have P, and especially for so long!

  4. Having an old dog is really hard. It is good that you are so dedicated to her well-being.
