Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Truthful Tuesday

Today's confession is that some really ridiculous things drive me absolutely batty. Like people who confuse a stomach bug with the flu. The flu, no matter the strain, is a respiratory illness. Strain B, can also have stomach symptoms along with it, however, if that's your only symptom, you don't have the flu. I don't know why I take this so personally. But I do. I feel like it's an attack on science. Which, I'm not a scientist. I sell gloves. Clearly, I'm a weirdo.

I get equally worked up when people think they got sick because they were out in the cold. Or they had wet hair outside when it was cold out. It doesn't work that way! You get sick from germs.

I also get a little worked up when people don't put things back where they found them. It's not hard to do. You have to put the thing somewhere, why not return it from where it came?

What about you guys? Anything kind of random and not at all related to you really that drives you nuts? Or am I the only weirdo?


  1. My husband would make you batty, then. I don't think ever in his life has he put something back where it goes, even when he knows where it goes. It's like a game for him to find new and weird places for things when unloading the dishwasher. He's also a champ at leaving packaging in random places. And he insists it's too much work to fold up the reusable grocery bags so he just crumples them and sort of throws them in the corner.

    So: yeah. I share those frustrations.

    My instant ticket to irrational fury is when people ask me to write things for them but don't give me a word count. Do you want me to write 20 words? 200? 2,000? JUST TELL ME, JFC. Writing is a big part of my job and I can write to anything but it makes me furious to write 200 words and have it cut to 20 just because they can't plan.

    1. Definitely a male trait I think... My brother is the same way! Thank goodness I don't have to live with him anymore! Lol!
      Oh that would bother me too! Why waste your time?

  2. You are not alone. I agree 100% with all of those things! Germs make you sick, germs! lol

    I also have a problem with people driving way under the speed limit. Read the signs, people! Or - omg - we have signs in school zones with lights that flash when you have to slow down. Pretty easy, right? Flashing lights, slow down. No flashing lights, like say on a Saturday morning, go the bleeping speed limit!

    argh. lol

    1. Oh yes, that too! Especially when I'm in a hurry!

  3. I used to always go to school with wet hair and my mom would tell me I would get sick and she is a scientist. I think people just get ingrained with stupid sayings.

  4. I literally had the flu versus stomach bug conversation with a co-worker last week. Of course she's also one of those people who thinks you can get the flu from a flu shot. Some people are hopeless!

  5. Anything that should be common sense that people just don't seem to get really drives me bonkers.

  6. Oh my god the flu thing drives me batty. As does people who want antibiotics for everything (antiBIOtics won't work for a virus people), people who claim to get the flu from the flu shot and other blatant disregard for scientific facts...

    1. Oh yeah, that's also ridiculous. Why take meds for no reason?
      And so much yes. Please people. Get vaccinated. Flu light is way better than full force flu. Get the shot.

  7. See, when people say they have the stomach flu, I never thought they were referring to the flu as in influenza but rather a stomach virus aka viral gastroenteritis which is often referred to as the stomach flu (or stomach bug). I guess that one doesn't bother me much.

    1. I mean, yes, I get that. But it's inaccurate. Flu is influenza, which is a respiratory illness.

  8. lolz yup, sounds just about right. meanwhile i saw a meme circulating this morning about some random bro who went to the hospital bc he thought he had coronavirus, but was instead diagnosed with a HANGOVER.... haha can't make this shit up!

  9. "you'll catch your death of cold" was something I heard a lot growing up. My husband used to get upset if the kids had no socks on in the winter (in the house) because his mom had him convinced it would make them sick. It drove me BATTY.

    1. That's so funny! My grandpa was the opposite. He thought it was really important to never sleep in socks because your feet need to breathe. Lol!

  10. When someone asks you a questions and then cuts you off and starts talking over you. Yes, I have to train a lot of people at my job, and this one trait will pretty much make me hate you. If you don't want to hear what I have to say, then DONT ASK!!!!
