Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Truthful Tuesday

Do you guys ever do something when you KNOW it's going to go badly? Not something major, but just like, something really stupid? Well I do.
I needed to find some bits in my bit trunk this weekend. My bit box has "feet" on the bottom that are basically just small boards that run the length of the short sides of the trunk. So one on each side. The one on the left is not attached anymore, but it's wide enough that it stays upright when the trunk sits on it anyway. Can you see where this is going?
So while my horses are away, I have my helper doing a real deep cleaning of the barn. He's been scrubbing all the walls and washing the floors. Even moving the trunks out out of the tack room to really clean the floor. But when he put them back, he put the bit box too close to the wall. I needed to pull it away a little to unzip the cover and open it up. Now. I KNOW that one foot isn't attached. And I KNOW that pulling it sideways would make it tip over. But I did it anyway. Because sometimes I make poor life choices. The trunk wound up tipping over into the box next to it and squishing my finger in between the two. And of course the side that tipped was the side with ALL the bits in it. So it was HEAVY. It really hurt! I shook it off though and went about my day. It was the kind of hurt that was bad initially and then was mostly fine. I didn't really look at it again until the evening when I discovered my finger is a total drama queen.
(Please excuse the fact that I'm still hanging on to those bits of my new years manicure....)
I mean, if I looked at that finger, I would think, "probably a little broken." But it feels like nothing, just maybe a slight bruise. It's almost back to normal today anyway.
So do you ever do stupid things like that? Basically, I was too lazy to trouble shoot how to move it over without crushing my hand, so I just let it happen anyway. Genius.

In other news, I can't save this till tomorrow... I got my cow boots from Celeris on Friday!!!

I ordered these at the same time as the pink ones, but they took a little longer to get made. They are ridiculous in the best way. And the most amazing part is that they are so soft, they didn't even feel like new boots when I rode in them on Sunday.

Alright, that's enough confessing for one day. Anything you need to get off your back? Share in the comments!


  1. Omfg just when I think you can't top your last pair of boots, you deliver! These are HANDS DOWN (no pun intended, finger) my favorite ones ever!!!

    1. Thank you! I think they might be my favorite too... maybe second favorite, I still love the logo ones. I know they're nuts, but I LOVE them!

  2. OMG COW BOOTS I love you and them
    Also, stop copying me! Getting sick and now the finger?!

    1. Thank you!
      Hahahaha! I had the same thought! I was like geeze, I'm turning into Holly.

  3. Oh wow lol I didn't realize they made cow printed boots, I guess anything is possible in the modern age

    1. It's only the second pair they've made... but yep, they are available!

  4. So I'm not sure I would wear the cow boots, but I must admit they're pretty fabulous. Also, you obviously don't know me well enough yet because I hurt myself in stupid ways all the time. I used to regularly move furniture that was too large for one person to move, but I moved it by myself anyway. It didn't always end well.

    1. Oh yeah, I live alone so am constantly doing that too. I break a lot of stuff.

  5. I stepped on a dog toy and crashed down the stairs. So yeah. I understand you. I’m als trying to figure out how many pairs of boots you have.

    1. Oh no!!! I hope you're okay! Stairs are no joke.

      Um, yeah... me too.

  6. Those cow boots are amazing. I have cow print dressage and jumping pads that I really don't use often enough. But nothing compares to those boots.

    1. You probably need a pair to go with those pads. I think cow print would make for fun cross country colors!

  7. ohh, I do stupid shit like that ALL the time. It comes from laziness/stubborness/trying to be independent. Never goes well.
    Those boots are AMAZING

    1. Yes! That's exactly it. Although in this instance I kind of knew I was going to hurt myself and was yeah but it's faster. Sometimes I shake my head at myself...
      Thank you, I LOVE them!

  8. oh. my. goodness. THOSE BOOTS!!

    also wow that finger looks painful. i get so so SO MAD at myself when i do stuff like that and it results in an injury. it happens tho.... hopefully your finger is better soon!

    1. They're something, aren't they?
      Thanks! Yeah it's just about back to normal. So definitely wasn't as bad as it looked!
