Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What's Up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday all! This is one of those posts that you think will be super exciting since I went to Florida, but it's actually fairly tame.
Thursday morning, I got up to bring the short kids over to their grandma's. They were excited to go!

So excited, in fact, that the first thing Artie did when he got there was poop on my mom's new rug. Not a good start buddy.
After dropping the kids off, I went straight to the barn, and I got to ride on a freshly dragged ring.
Can't beat that! Eros was perfect as always. And then it was home to shower and get ready to fly south!
The flight was unexciting (as you like them to be) and my dad picked me up from the airport. We headed to dinner, and then home for a quiet night.
I didn't get to ride while I was in Florida this trip, but I did go visit trainer and got to see her new horse go. New horse is a young mare, jumper prospect. Incredible brain on her! Nothing seems to phase her at all. And I got to see this girl too:
After loitering at the barn, I went back up to the house. Dad and I had to go to Target to get our donations for Toys for Tots! It was just he and I this year, so we only filled two carts with toys, but we had a great time doing it! And then he reminded me that I had to jump in the back for our annual photo:
Saturday morning I got to loiter at the barn again. Next trip hopefully I'll get some saddle time in, but it was still fun to watch trainer's horses jump. I headed home after that to get ready for the boat parade. Dad had a bunch of friends coming over to watch, and it was catered by a DELICIOUS nearby restaurant.
The parade was probably the longest I've ever seen it, probably thanks to the beautiful weather.
This boat lit up like a train was my favorite
The marines come around (in full dress!) to collect the toys on the docks. I think that's such a great way to do that, and I love getting to thank them for their service at the same time.
Probably the best part about partying with the over 70 crowd is that everyone is gone by 9:30. Dad and I had all the leftover desserts to ourselves for the rest of the evening! (#sorrynotsorry)
Trainer gives the horses Sundays off, so instead of horsing, Dad and I went out to brunch at my favorite breakfast place The Lazy Loggerhead. We had planned to go look at a possible barn for Eros next winter, but it's in a gated community, and apparently you need an appointment to visit. So that didn't happen. Maybe next time.
It was a pretty relaxing day. The weather was perfect, so I sat outside and caught up on blogs for awhile.
And when the clouds rolled in, I headed off to the mall for a few minutes. There's a store there I wanted to go to for Dad's Chanukah present. This mall is ridiculous you guys. There's a Tesla dealer in it!
I mean, I've been to fancy malls, but that's weird right? It's right next to Tiffany's and Ferragamo. Ha. Needless to say, I did not buy a Tesla at the mall. Nor did I get dad's gift unfortunately, but I found what I wanted online later.
Monday was travel day, so not much to chat about there. I was home early enough that I could have ridden Eros, but the barn is closed on Mondays. Boo. Fortunately, I have a bunch of time to use up at work (we can't roll any over) so I had taken Tuesday off too. It was really lovely to have a day off at home. I rode Eros, gave the boys extra good groomies, bought the groceries, and worked on holiday stuff. Girl could get used to not going to work... If only someone would just pay me to live my life...
Today was back to the grind at work. Wednesdays are always busy, but when you have a Wednesday that's also a Monday? It was killer. Hopefully the rest of the week is quieter and I can catch up on what you've all been up to!


  1. That boat parade is so awesome! And I love that the Marines collect the toys by boat. I always donate, but an online donation or dropping them off at the state police is just not the same...

    1. I agree. It feels so much more special this way.
      The parade was amazing this year!

  2. damn, I want a Tesla! Mall Tesla so tempting!

    1. Ha! I can't imagine going to the mall to buy a car!

  3. Aww that is so nice of your family to buy so many presents for the kids!

    1. It's a lot of fun! We do one at work too, and a couple people donated bikes which I think is awesome! I do lots of smaller gifts, but a big one is pretty awesome too.
