Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Truthful Tuesday


Sorry for disappearing last week. Prepping for that sale was WAAAYYY more work than I expected. But got it all done, and sold a BUNCH of stuff. I have a few things left still, which will be going up on Facebook in bits and pieces probably after I get the horses moved for the winter. 

Anyway, today's confession? I very impulsively listed a bunch of blue blankets on Facebook ahead of the sale. Not because I wanted less things to bring with me (though that would have been a nice side effect) but I literally did it as a knee jerk reaction. To what you ask? Something that surprised me not even a little bit, but still irked me. 

So I was asked by a friend of mine to braid her lovely horse for New England Equitation Championships. This horse lives at my previous winter barn. I had a feeling though, that once they knew I wasn't returning, I would probably lose the job. And then I did. Not my friend's decision obviously, and I absolutely knew it would turn out that way. But still it bothered me some. Mostly because I could really use the cash. But also, it's just kind of ick ya know? So my knee jerk reaction was to try and find new homes for everything navy in my collection. I didn't get it all moved yet, but another friend of mine is coming Saturday to hopefully buy a bunch of what's left. I have no idea what to do with all my "team" outerwear though. Donate it I guess? 


  1. Sorry about you losing your braiding gig. Hopefully you can get some side hustle money coming in soon.

  2. That barn is so fucking petty. I'm so glad you're outta there!

  3. Take it all to Goodwill and hope they see every last piece of it.
