Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Truthful Tuesday


This is a good one. So I got home today from VT around 3:30 (SO MUCH TRAFFIC!) and figured I had plenty of time to go ride the horses. My phone battery was pretty low, so I threw it on the charger while I got changed and organized. And you know what I did? DO YOU?! 


I left the phone at home. Which is probably not the biggest deal. I did learn some things about me though, whilst phoneless all afternoon. First, I am somewhat addicted to my phone. Not in the sense that I check it constantly, or have to be on it all the time, but in the sense that I felt very anxious that something might happen while I didn't have it. This stems from that other time I left it home when I was in college. I ran over to the barn quick to do night check and forgot it. And of course, that's the one time my car breaks down. Fortunately, I was next to campus and security was able to get me sorted out. 

Second, I apparently check the weather A LOT. Because I kept trying to do that only to realize I couldn't. Over and over. All afternoon. Maybe I'm just addicted to the weather app. 

Meanwhile, my concerns were not unfounded because one of my fellow adult pony owner friends started having an allergic reaction while she was riding in the outdoor and she called me for help. Only I didn't get the call, because I didn't have my phone. Fortunately, there were plenty of other people around and she got patched up without my help. But still. I felt so bad! She's doing fine now thank goodness! 

I'm guessing it will be another 22 years before I leave my phone home again.


  1. I've unintentionally left my phone behind exactly 2x going to the barn. The first time a horse jumped a water hydrant (because horses 🙄) and put it through his crotch. Fortunately I was able to run to our horsey neighbor and have her call the BM for the emergency vet. The second I was doing the barn the morning after coming home from vacation and had to pick up my dogs from 2 separate sitters, but was running late and had no way to communicate this to them so instead I just broke several traffic laws to get there especially after remembering I also was going to have to venmo them FROM MY PHONE.

    I'm conclusion, I feel you 😂

    1. Oh man! Always the way isn't it?? Lesson learned: never go anywhere without the phone.

  2. It feels wrong to be out without a phone. Like how did we get to this point?

    1. Right? I mean, I guess it's nice that such a small thing can make you feel secure in uncertain settings... But the dependency is a little unsettling.

  3. ugh nope, no way no how could i go a day without my phone LOL

  4. omg I am also addicted to the weather app! I must check it a dozen times a day. I'm not sure if this is related to having horses directly under your care, so you need to know if they need sheets or blankets or fly spray or fans or extra water or whatever?
