Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Truthful Tuesday


I don't have any major confessions today, but I have a few random things to share. First, and don't worry I didn't take photos, but I went to put oil in my car Sunday and you know what I found under the hood?? Rat shit. Yes. That's right. A FUCKING RAT had been under my hood. Disgusting. I hope it didn't do any damage.
Next up. I have AMAZING boots coming from Celeris. They shipped. They should have gotten to me Friday. BUT THEY DIDN'T. They're sitting in limbo at JFK. Supposedly. No tracking updates since 12:01 AM on Thursday. It's a special kind of torture let me tell you. I'm hoping they will just magically appear on my doorstep today or tomorrow. But UGH! Can you imagine if that they are lost?! There would be tears.
First world problems I know. I'm really grateful I'm not in CA right now which is on fire, nor in the Gulf region that's getting hit with DOUBLE Hurricanes. Climate change you guys. It's real. I hope you're all safe in those areas!


  1. ugh... i'm fairly certain that rats have lived at some point in my truck (which lives full time at the farm...). not a pretty situation!

  2. I'm always worried that they will live in my trailer!

    1. Ugh! Yes, me too! I had a mouse die in my trailer tack room once. So gross. But glad it wasn't a rat!
