Wednesday, June 20, 2018

What's Up Wednesday

Phew, Wednesday again. This week is nutso as we talked about yesterday, but last week was pretty quiet. I had ZERO plans for the weekend which was pretty awesome. I was looking forward to taking it easy before this week got out of control.
I wanted to give Jampy the opportunity to roll outside, but I'm not comfortable letting him do that on the lead line. He's a little nutty, and I was afraid he'd get up like a whirling dervish. I've been having to give him a little ace to walk because he blows up. And that's really terrible for his feet right now. So I gave him a little extra on Saturday. I walked him in the tiny paddock (where Rio has been having his small paddock turnout of late), and then gave him a few minutes turned loose in there. With the grazing muzzle on just in case he wanted to weed it for me.
Unfortunately, he was so concerned about that muzzle he couldn't relax and get his roll on. I also was too nervous to leave him alone for long, so he really only had like 5 minutes. Maybe I'll be braver next weekend and give him a little more time. He's lost a lot of weight, and I think is looking quite good. I'm still feeling a digital pulse in both front legs though, so we're not in the clear just yet. Still icing all day everyday, but we've switched to the Banamine granules to make that part easier on the both of us. Plus I already buy that for Rio so I have plenty available.
Rio had a nice walk Saturday and some grass. Although, he was definitely more excited about the grass than the walking. It was more me dragging him around the ring.
After pony time, I took the pugs out to play in the yard. It was a warm, sunny weekend, and walking on the asphalt was going to be much too hot for them. We had fun running around the yard, especially Artie. P was more into the lounging.

I spent Saturday night cutting out felt. I'm making our company logo out of felt to stick in the flower centerpieces at my dad's party.

I had a lot of better ideas, but not the time to execute them, so these will have to do. He's kind of cute! I think the apron is too big, but it's good enough. I don't talk a lot about my work (it's not very exciting) so for reference, our logo is actually a compilation of our most popular items that we manufacture.

Sunday was an amazing day weather wise. It was pretty warm, about 82, and the sun was shining ALL DAY! This is my weather you guys. I made sure to spend as much time outside as I could! I started the morning at our town's farmers market which started back up last weekend. I bought an exorbitant amount of cheese and I'm #notsorry about it. I got Rio some fresh carrots too. Sorry for Jampy that he can't have them, but he has a new bag of celery at least.
After the market I went out for pony time. They both had a nice scrubby tubby and the usual hand walks. Rio had some grass too.
I also managed some poolside lazing with the Pugs.
Seriously. Such a nice day. I'm so glad I was home and had time to enjoy it! After relaxing by the pool (and binge watching season 2 of 13 Reasons Why) I made my way over to the lake for my lobster roll and live music.

Probably one of the best parts of summer really. I feel really lucky to live where I do. How fun is this to have just a quarter mile away?
Finally it was back to cutting out more felt and gluing together some logos. I haven't finished those yet, and honestly, I have no idea how I'm going to fit that in... but it will get done. Hopefully.

Monday was back to the grind. I'm working two jobs Monday through Thursday this week, plus all kinds of other stuff going on. Regular job during the day, including a customer coming up Thursday (UGH SHOOT ME NOW PLEASE!), and then braiding at night after taking care of my boys. My mom and I have theater tickets for Thursday too, but I'm trying to see if she'd like to go out to dinner locally instead. The theater is only about 40 minutes away, but there's a big golf tournament along the way which is going to make it take a lot longer. Plus I have two horses to braid afterwards. And my horses to tend to. Why does everything always happen at the same time? I had several weeks of not much going on, and now everything is happening in the same week! It's ok though, I should have a quiet weekend to recover.
Anyway, Monday I had only one horse to braid after work, and just a mane, so that was really easy.

 Last night I had two manes and a tail to do, so still not too bad.
I don't know what it is, but I do not braid this horse very well. Also he likes to suck on my leg which is super weird.

He's adorable though.

This one on the other hand, should be my poster child.

Tonight is killer. I have the boys to take care of, then two horses to do about a half hour away. I think they're manes and tails and fakes, then back to the local barn to do two more. Not sure yet if they're just manes though. I know I'll get it all done, but I'm already tired just thinking about it. I'm excited though, because Friday, at the end of this very long week, is my dad's retirement party. I think it's going to be a lot of fun. The tent is going up outside my office window as we speak!
I didn't get to ride this past week unfortunately for me. Bradley's mom is home so she's been riding him. She did offer to let me ride him last night, but I couldn't fit it in with the braid job and taking care of my boys. Maybe next week I'll get another chance though. Hopefully! One of my neighbors got a new horse too, and she offered him up for some rides once she gets to know him a little. So maybe there will be some more saddle time in my future! Fingers crossed!

How was your week? Are you having a busy summer? Getting lots of saddle time in? Tell me about it in the comments!


  1. Even if you can just scrap a ride in here or there it's good for the brain. :)
    Having a busy week as usual. Lots of running around taking care of special needs ponies (P is having skin issues and Stamp appears to have another abscess) and riding Maestro here and there. Supposed to show this weekend but the forecast looks ominous and riding in mud is currently on my least favorite activity list so we will see how it all turns out.

    1. I totally agree! My entire outlook on life is a lot better when I get some saddle time!
      I hope the weather clears for your show!

  2. When Rio was on stall rest and hand walking I would let him roll in the indoor ring. I walk him with a long cotton lead with a chain, which I put over his nose. He got up from his roll and tried to bolt. It nearly ripped my arm out of the socket- but I think it hurt him more when the chain snapped his nose. Let's just say that now he can roll on the lead and get up super calmly with no problems at all!

    Also- I NEED to know how you hide the braid tails when doing a mane. Like I really need to know this super secret braider info. Badly.

    1. I let him roll Sunday, and he was very polite (though also a little high on ace...) He seemed quite grateful for the opportunity.
      So I pull the knot all the way up into the braid until it locks. Then you can take the tail and tuck it into the loop that it makes. When you tie it up, just tie in what's left.
