Last week was insane you guys. But somehow I made it through and proceeded to make the weekend a little crazy too. Why not, right?
So we last left off with braiding horses Monday and Tuesday. So that continued for Wednesday and then Thursday too. I wasn't supposed to have any for Thursday, but then I did. So that was a monkey wrench in the week too. But let's back up to Wednesday.
I worked all day Wednesday, went home and hand walked the free loaders at home. Then it was off to Durham to braid two manes.
Both horses were perfect angels so that fortunately went quickly. Next up, I drove back to the other barn to do two manes and two tails.
Also good ponies, so it went pretty quickly. I was home a little after 2 am. Changed Jampy's ice boots and fell asleep possibly before I even got into my bed.
Thursday was another regular work day. My mom and I had tickets to a play about forty minutes north of where I live. But I was kind of hoping she'd want to skip it and just get dinner instead. The tickets were a gift, so while obviously wasteful not to go, it wasn't like it came out of our own pockets at least. She was down for a nice dinner instead so that was pretty great. I was able to get to my braiding job at a fairly reasonable hour. I had the same two horses to do again.
I was home a little after midnight, but I couldn't go to sleep yet. Oh no. I still had to finish making our company's logo out of felt for the center pieces for my dad's retirement part on Friday. (Why yes, I SHOULD have finished those last weekend, but I didn't.)
It was close to 2 am by the time I finished. But hey, I FINISHED THEM! Phew. If any one's keeping track, I got no more than four and a half hours of sleep any night last week. Who needs sleep anyway?
Friday was the day of the big party for my dad. We had a full day of work to get through first, but the party started right at 5pm. I asked my horse sitter to tend to the boys for me so I could stay for the shindig. Everything really went great at the party, and my dad really enjoyed it.
I didn't really get photos, but I hired a photographer and will have those pictures in a few days. The party went until 9 so I was home at a reasonable hour. It was nice to be home and relaxing by 10 pm! I stayed up until midnight to change Jampy's ice boots, but had asked my weekend helper if she woulnd't mind changing them in the morning so I could sleep in a little. I was exhausted!
Saturday morning around 9 I got a call from my friend that runs the Skidmore show in Saratoga. She said I should drive up there and ride her horse in the Alumni classes. You all know I try to do that every year! Last year, it was going to go too late so we did a Q&A instead of actually riding. I wasn't planning to go this year since I need to stick around for Jampy's ice and special needs. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I could take off for a few hours and he would be ok. My weekend helper was barn sitting across the street, so she said she could take care of dinner for the boys and Jamp's ice. My mom could come to feed the pups.
After a brief scramble around the house to find show clothes that fit, I was on the road! It's about a three hour drive, and the class was getting earlier and earlier by the minute... They had a bunch of rain up there, and a lot of the adults had scratched their classes which ran before. Fortunately, my friend keeps her horse at a full service show barn, so he was all ready when I pulled in! (Such service... a girl could get used to that!) I quickly got my boots and hat on and off I went to the ring! Our flat class was first. And I'm sorry I have zero media, but I'm hoping to get a pro pic or two in a few days. Anyway, the flat went really well. Sochi (the horse I was riding) is an adorable little warmblood. He's MAYBE 16 hands, jet black. Adorable. Looks like a big pony. And he's SUPER broke to flat. Plus, I've flatted him a few times over the years, so I knew him a little bit that way. They tested us a little on the flat with some sitting trot and a change of direction at the canter via a simple lead change. Then we had to answer some questions from the judge individually. In years past the questions could be a bit risque... but with the me too movement and all, they kept it pretty tame. I wound up winning the class! Woohoo! Imagine that? I have barely ridden, and not at all for two weeks. And I won the flat! I was a little shocked honestly.
Next up was the fence class. I was a little more worried about that since I really haven't jumped much in a very long time. Other than a few single jumps with Bradley a few weeks ago. And I've never jumped Sochi. We warmed up ok though, and I wasn't feeling too petrified as I stood at the in gate. So that was good!
Apologies for the terrible course diagram. I should have taken a photo of the actual course map, but I didn't. So enjoy this terrible recreation. Pretend like 1 and 7 aren't actually intersecting because in real life they did not. Anyway, back to the class!
I was maybe a hair slow to jump one, but it worked out just fine. Two was perfect. I think I was a little late with the change behind to fence 3, but we did get it. The line was lovely in six strides. 5 rode great. The roll back to six, went well, though he was a little tough to turn. He likes to bulge pretty hard to the right! And then things went awry. I mentioned yesterday that Sochi is a legit, fancy hunter. So he likes you to push him up to the gappier distance. I LOVE me a nice distance at the base. So that's a learning curve for me, trying to find that gap and get to it nicely. Well, at 7 I saw the base spot. And I didn't get him shortened to it in time so we had an ugly pop chip jump. I got jumped a bit loose, and wound up having to make a circle. It was supposed to be a bending seven strides. I definitely could have made it to the oxer without a circle, but I knew the other girls would be great (there were only four of us), so I had already clinched last place anyway. My thoughts were that I might as well get organized and end with a nice jump, rather than end flailing over it just to get over it.

While I was a little bummed I'd messed up that last line (and the earlier lead change) I was really happy with how things went. I had a BLAST! Got to ride a REALLY nice horse with a great sense of humor. And even came home with ribbons!
I hung out for a bit after the class to watch the grand prix, and catch up with some friends. And then I stopped back at my friend's house for a bit before the three hour drive home. I was home right around midnight to change Jamp's ice and snuggle the pugs for a few minutes before bedtime.
Sunday I really needed to do some catching up at home and in the barn. First I headed out for some errands and a stop at the farmer's market in town. And a breakfast sandwich of course.
After that I spent some time with the ponies. I let Jampy have a roll on the lead line this time, but I was too slow with the camera.
awkward. |
He's looking svelte these days, which is what the vets wanted.
I'd forgotten how tiny his butt can get. So oddly proportioned when he's not rocking the dad bod.
Rio had a stroll and some grass too.
After ponies, I ran to the grocery store because Jamp was out of celery. And I mean, I was 100% out of groceries too, but I probably would have procrastinated that task if not for Jampy's needs. Then it was time to feed the equine and head to the lake! Unfortunately, it was looking like this out:
So as soon as my food was ready
best one of the year |
the skies opened up and the music was over. Booooo. I hung out with some friends inside the snack shack though and we shared a bottle of wine. All was not lost even if the weather hadn't cooperated!
That was about it for Sunday. After the wine and lobster my motivation for doing productive things was all gone.
Monday was back to work, but a good friend invited me for dinner so that was a lovely way to end a Monday!
Yesterday was the dentist (UGH!), work, and then ponies. AND THAT WAS IT! Also a good phone convo with trainer about the yellow pony and his future. I think he's coming up here, but I have to decide where he goes. I'm actually thinking of sending him to a friend that does a lot of horse sales. But I'm not 100% decided at this point. Will keep you posted.
Jampy has a vet appointment this afternoon to get blood work and have his weight checked. Hopefully that all goes well. He was able to have his breakfast, but he has to fast for four hours before the blood draw. He's NOT going to be a happy horse, that's for sure. Last night, when I went to give him his ace, he whirled around and kicked at me. Not in his character AT ALL, so clearly he's over getting shots. I'm going to ask the vet about trying some resurpine maybe. I hate having to sedate him at all, but I have to watch out for my safety too. And honestly, he's not going to recover if he's bouncing around on those feet. So we have to do what we have to do.
How was your past week? Did you show this weekend? Or do anything else fun?