Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Truthful Tuesday

New England Equitation Championships are this week/weekend, which means today is warm up day! But I'm not there. Wahhhhh. So today's confession is that I'm feeling pretty sad to be missing finals this year. Especially since it's ridiculously warm here this week and that's totally Jamp's weather. Double WAAAHHHH!!!! And the saddest part? That means I don't get one of those amazing chocolate covered apples they sell there... Maybe I should take a ride up there this weekend, just for an apple....
In an attempt to not be a total negative Nancy, I shall end this post with some nice photos of us looking like we know what we're doing:

Anything you need to confess today? Let's chat in the comments!


  1. I need to confess that I hold grudges over stupid shit. And I need to learn to let it go... BUT ITS SO HARD.

    1. Don't we all though? And I mean, certain grudges are worth holding on to ;)

  2. I'd be sad too. Just tell yourself that you'll win next year since you'll be fresh from your break :D

  3. Aww :( Next year you'll just have to eat twice as many apples. My confession is that... I ripped the knee in my new pants and I almost cried. Great day.

    1. I like that plan. Double apples next year!
      Ugh, that's the worst! Maybe the store will replace them for you?

  4. Sorry you're missing the big show. I have so many secrets, but I'm not legally allowed to discuss the big one yet. It's driving me crazy. I am hoping to do a confession post next week.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you! I figure if I'm not gonna win, I can at least get a nice photo!
