Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Truthful Tuesday

Today's confession is all about my complete and utter lack of fitness. Kind of. As you may have noticed, I haven't been running. I found my non-functioning thyroid to be a pretty decent excuse to skip out on hitting the pavement (or treadmill). It was a pretty reasonable excuse of course, but boy did I milk that one dry! I have lots of tricks to try to motivate myself: new sneakers, a new running outfit, checking race schedules for something fun to get ready for... None of it worked. So then I thought well maybe if I spend a bunch of money on running stuff, maybe THAT will get me out the door. So I signed up for the Adidas Avenue A box. That sucker is $150! (Confession A: purchasing the Avenue A box.) I was SO EXCITED for my first box to arrive (it ships quarterly, so that was an early September arrival). I thought for sure I'd be throwing on that new outfit and shoes for my fastest 5k ever a nice slow 2 miler to get back into the groove. Alas, I was not yet prescribed my magic thyroid pills when it got here. I just could NOT bring myself to get out there. (The contents were awesome by the way: sneakers, capri tights, sports bra, tank, and a hoodie!)
Let's fast forward to this weekend (about a month after my fancy box arrived). When I got the mail on Saturday, my medal for the virtual Pug Run had arrived! AND I'm happily medicated. It was time my friends. Sunday night, I laced up my fancy new sneakers and climbed aboard the dreadmill (thanks for all the rain ALL weekend hurricane Matthew).
my fancy new Adidas outfit minus the hoodie
I set the dreadmill for turtle pace and off I went. My plan was to keep it at Turtle for 3.12 miles and only walk once at the halfway point for some water. It went pretty well, I ran bounced along slowly for the first 1.5 miles, then stopped for a little water break. But taking a walk break on the treadmill is like opening a bag of potato chips. Once you have have one, you want more. I took two more breaks the second half of my run. It wasn't pretty guys:
That's an almost 40 minute 5K! (Confession B: a FORTY MINUTE 5k.) Ugh. But I did it! I'm not counting this run for my virtual Pug Run. I'm going to get a couple more in and make it official next weekend. At least that's the plan.

Do you have any confessions to share today? Let's talk about it in the comments!


  1. I have a virtual 5k I'm running this month too.. I guess I should carve some time out for it

  2. All of my 5Ks are 40+ minutes long, so don't even feel bad! I am a terrible runner (and I hate it lol)!

    1. I think I'm a solid mediocre runner in general... But ugh, I hate it so much! But I also hate the 20 lbs I accidentally gained in the last few years, so I suppose I need to do something. (And clearly dieting isn't my thing ;))
