Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Truthful Tuesday

I'm already counting down until Spring starts. Winter hasn't even started. We JUST changed the clocks this past weekend. And already I'm tired of all the darkness. My horses are jerks because they're afraid of the dark. So riding them after work is like sitting on a time bomb. No fun. Add to that frozen fingers and toes...
Are you ready for winter to end already? Do you enjoy winter sports like skiing, snowboarding, or ice skating? I don't really partake in any of these, so for me, it's just cold and dark. Yuck.
135 days till Spring!


  1. I went skiing once. It didn't go well.

    So far, this fall/winter thing is working out for me. I don't know how long it will last, but I'll take it. The dark, cold nights are hard to work around though :( Hopefully the winter passes quickly for you.

    1. I tried that once too! I was 7 and if I remember correctly I cried almost the entire time.

  2. Man you are in rough shape for November 5- going to be a long winter.

    I am looking forward to winter here because for once- SNOW IS USEFUL!

    Katie @ www.Runningaragnar.com

    1. I think it might be better once the horses are on vacation instead of torturing me every evening in the dark ;)
