Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thursday's Threads


I planned ahead in case we didn't get to ride today due to arctic temps. We did ride today (kind of, very lightly) but I'm sticking with the outfit from Monday because it was perfect for the cold weather. I don't normally ride on Mondays but since I knew Tuesday and Wednesday would be non riding days, I made an exception. We opted for Sunday Funday type rides since it was fake Sunday for us this week. Shiny wanted to be our model and who am I to argue with a mare? Here's what we had on:

Why yes, it was ridiculously cold on Monday! But not below 20. So we carried on.

Bridle: Joseph Sterling
Brow Band: Dark Jewel Designs
This bridle is looking even better now that it has a fresh coat of oil on it!

Bareback Pad: Brockamp
Baby Pad: Wilkers
Girth: Mattes
Quarter Sheet: Equine Wears
This bareback pad is definitely one of my favorite things. Sometimes it really is worth spending a little money on something you'll use and enjoy for many years. My only trouble with it is that my quarter sheets are designed for a long girth with the billets higher up, so I had to get a little creative to use it with the bareback pad. Thankfully, I have these billet straps that are removable that came with our Eskadron glitter pads. I almost threw them out because I don't use them on saddle pads. Glad I didn't! They are perfect for this need. 

Boots: Premier Equine
We were using navy pads last week so we had navy boots still for this ride. They did not match our outfit. Hey, it happens!

Here's what I wore:
The colors say spring, the weights say winter!

Helmet: One K CCS MIPS
I really need a new helmet photo. Or better still to swap this one out for a different one for a few weeks.

Sweater: Handmade by my momma
Shirt: Akini
You guys might not know this since I haven't worn anything by her in awhile, but my mom is a really talented knitter. When I was in high school she even owned her own yarn store. She recently became a test knitter for a lady that writes patterns and this sweater is one of those test knits. It's all wool and super warm. I really love it! The shape is very much on trend this year, and it's SO WARM! Perfect for this winter. The shirt underneath is merino and one that I found at TJ Maxx several years ago. (I layered a puffy vest and puffy jacket over top while I was at the barn.)

Belt: Mane Jane

I was very excited to discover that this Mane Jane belt is a very similar shade to the sweater.

Breeches: Romfh Arctic Fleece
My mom actually got me these breeches either last year or the year before, I forget which, for Chanukah. I don't normally wear winter pants as I generally dislike how they feel. But I asked her for these in case I went nutty and decided to show in the winter. I haven't worn them until now because I was saving them for shows, but the cold weather makes you do crazy things! Like wear warm pants. Guys, I LOVE these. I immediately went online to see if I could find another pair or two at a good price. They are still readily available (ten out of ten, highly recommend!) but they are still super full price. You can find the full seat version on sale for a great deal, but they are silicone seat and those mark my saddle. So I did not yet get any more. Maybe next year. They are cut the same as the Sarafina so if you like those and need warm pants, you'll probably love these too.

Socks: Lettia

A few years back Lettia did a collab with Thelwell and they made a bunch of stuff with Thelwell prints on them. When I was a tiny kiddo I used to ride these two ponies with my now best friend in this older lady's backyard. She ran the answering service for my dad's company when it was just starting in a spare room in our house. And when companies used answering services. Anyway, that older lady introduced my now bff and I to the Thelwell comics and I've loved them ever since. So there was no question that I would get some Thelwell socks when they came out! I have baby pads too, but they're blue not purple so we didn't use them this week. 

Chaps: Journeyman
Paddock Boots: Celeris UK
I know. I need a new chap photo too. But this is an accurate representation! What I'd really like is to have warm enough weather to wear some fun boots. But alas... it will be chap weather for awhile. Thankfully I still love these very much. I do think I'll have to get some repairs done on them at some point. Some of the stitching holding the legs to the belt is coming undone. But that's really not bad considering how old they are.

So that's what Shiny and I were wearing earlier in the week! Any favorites? I sure had a lot of stories this week... thanks for sticking it out till the end!


  1. Okay. I need to know, on the breeches. Are they like, ACTUALLY heavy? Or are they the kind of "winter" breeches where a Florida resident designed them and was like "a brushed lining is totally enough, let's call it good"? I am SO TIRED of manufacturers not posting photos of the inside of the breeches so I have to play that guessing game. And I have found basically no breeches at this point that are as heavy as I would like them to be.

    1. I made a little video clip of them to show you, I'll send on IG. They're not crazy heavy because I would hate that, but the fleece lining is really that, not just brushed fabric. I really like them!

  2. Oooh I love all things Romfh — and also super appreciate how the eskadron pads have those detachable straps

    1. Me too! Such a great brand, and I love that it's woman owned.
      I love that too! Their pads really are nice.

  3. That sweater looks so cosy! And I want to steal your socks.

    1. It is! Mom did a great job with it. Aren't the socks cute?? I love Thelwell.
