Wednesday, January 29, 2025

What's Up Wednesday


I know it's cliche to say that this is the longest month ever, but seriously, HOW is it still January? I still have very little to talk about because, you know, it's still January. I have great intentions to start lessons and things sometime soon, but since it's STILL JANUARY I don't have the extra funds at the moment. Plus the horses are out of shape so I intend to get them legged up and starting to pop over some jumps again in the coming weeks. Hopefully once they're ready my bank account will also be prepared. Haha. One can hope.

The horses are all actually doing pretty well. Al isn't cantering like a bunny anymore which is great. The canter itself is still pretty awful, but I think there's improvement and I'll take that. Rome wasn't built in a day, and surely Al cannot be rebuilt in a day either. I had some memories pop up on FB recently that reminded me that Al's total undoing happened about a year ago now. So it's been a long road in getting him back to good, and while we're still far from reaching that goal, I think we've made a lot of progress. Not just Al, but I've learned A LOT in the past year about being a horseman. About listening to my horses. About setting aside timelines and plans to actually get my horse comfortable, happy, and wanting to do the job I've offered him. It was a hard lesson, and I'm definitely a work in progress. But I really hope I'm a better rider and horse owner now than I was a year ago. 

The Robaxin has defiitely kicked in for Eros the last few days. He's starting to move through his back again, and I don't feel like his hind end is out behind us in a whole other zip code anymore. So that's a huge improvement! The only down side is that I now I can feel all the other parts that could probably use some work sooner than later too. Namely that right front that is forever a challenge. But they're also all quite do for shoes, so I'm hoping some of what I'm feeling there will improve when he gets his feet done. He's very sensitive to his feet being long with that one wonky tendon. Hopefully our farrier will be out soon. He splits his time between CT, FL, and KY so sometimes he can't get here as early as I'd like. It's worth the wait though, as we really love our farrier. In more exciting news I got notice that his saddle is done and should be on its way back to me very soon! Yay!!!

Shiny is moving better too. I'm still seeing her breathing from her abdomen, but I'm not seeing the bottom of her ribs when she does it, so I think that's a good sign. She's more willing to come forward (after a bit of a discussion earlier today) and she's not holding her breath while she canters anymore either. I popped her over some raised cavalletti today and she felt SO MUCH better than the last time we did that. She rode right up to it and jumped across rather than trantering on the way there and then just heaving herself UP then over. Not sure if it's the Toltrazuril that's helping or the time away from jumping, but whatever it is, I'll take it! We'll do some more little stuff later in the week or the weekend and then maybe next week I'll actually set up a little course. We'll see how things are going and what the weather decides to do. It was pretend "warm" today. 43 degrees for the high, but it came with 40mph wind gusts so ya know... Typical January stuff.

That's the update from here! Nothing too exciting, but all is good over here. Just plugging away, hoping to be ready to do fun things come summer! 


  1. I’m so glad you’re seeing improvements with Al, honestly it can never just be easy with some of these horses. I suspect doozy has a lot of sensitivity to her environment too, or perhaps even just sensitivity to my own reactions to the environment … anyway glad the other horses are feeling good too!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I think some of them are just that way and we have to figure out how to work around those emotions because we aren't going to stop the feelings.
