Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Truthful Tuesday


Okay I have a real confessions today. A REAL CONFESSION. 

I'm sure you are aware that it is Girl Scout Cookie season. I have several dealers. I had hoped the number of dealers in my circle would have decreased by now, but alas... they have not. So I have MANY boxes of cookies en route. Some arrived yesterday. Which brings me to my confession. Last night I sat down with a box of Tag-alongs (Peanut Butter Patties if you're in the area of the less good cookies) and just ate the whole thing. THE WHOLE ENTIRE BOX. I just popped those cookies like they were potato chips. Nom-nom-nom-nom-nom. I have almost no regrets. My only minor regret is that a few of the cookies seemed to be missing the peanut butter. Not the entire box, just a few of them. Some kind of problem at the plant I guess. They were still tasty, those dud cookies, but not AS tasty as the rest of the box. 

So that's today's confession. I hope to not repeat that action tonight, but we shall see... Haha. Kidding. I cannot eat full boxes of cookies all the time. I have a dress I need to fit into at the end of March.

Anyone else have anything they need to confess this week? 


  1. I don’t think we can get Tag Alongs here. That is probably a good thing.

    1. They may be called Peanut Butter Patties where you are.

  2. Lol idk why the seasons would be different but my big orders are in November haha and yep. The volume of consumed thin mints was outrageous LOL

    1. Oh that's so strange! Ours are always this time of year.

  3. I had thin mints for breakfast today, so...
