Wednesday, January 24, 2024

What's Up Wednesday


It got BIG COLD around here last week and thus, we had a quiet one. Plus our favorite instructor was on vacation, so that added to the quiet. None of my horses lessoned. And in fact, on Saturday, I didn't even ride. I was planning to, honestly. It was cold, but not really too cold for riding. The indoor was 21 degrees. But you see, my nieces had a recital for violin in the morning, so I didn't get to the barn until 1:30. And I dunno. I just was kind of like meh. Let's hand walk instead. So that's what we did! Everyone walked for 30 minutes so I got some semblance of exercise and they got out of their stalls for a bit. Sunday I rode Shiny, but opted to lunge Al instead. The wind was absolutely howling outside and rattling things inside, and that's a recipe for an Al disaster. He had one of his favorite buddies in the ring while he lunged though, so he was a good boy and got a little exercise in. This week we are back to work, and so far so good. No lessons until the weekend when our instructor returns though. I haven't signed Al up for one yet, I may wait until next week for him. I have to run an errand mid day on Saturday which would probably interfere, and I just don't really like to lesson on Sundays. Shiny is in the book for Saturday morning though! And she told me she's very excited for jumpies. 

Eros didn't really have any disruption to his current program since he's on the hand walk protocol anyway. But he's had hives since the weekend. We think it's the new shavings as that's the only thing that's changed since then. They aren't too bad, so I'm not treating just yet. But if they don't get better soon, I'll probably hit him with some dex and follow that up with benadryl if need be. I'm not sure if you guys remember, but he's had this happen before. A couple of summers ago he had to live on Bendadryl for months because of some kind of allergy that covered him in hives. I never definitively found the cause. I had kind of assumed it was some kind of bug that he was reacting to, but now I'm thinking it was maybe shavings then too. It's tough being a chestnut!

So that's about all that's really happening with the horses. I do have a funny non equine story though.... I received an Amaryllis bulb for a holiday gift but didn't get around to getting it planted yet. I looked over at the bucket it was sitting in earlier today to see that it had flowered. All by itself! No water, no dirt, no plant food. Nothing. Just grew itself some leaves and a flower. That's the kind of plant I can keep alive! Lol.

Anyway, I've since gotten this hardy fellow properly potted. Looks like another bloom is on the way too. I'm terrible with plants, but I do feel a lot of joy when they thrive. I have an orchid I was gifted for my birthday last year that currently has new buds on it too. So maybe I'm becoming a plant person in my old age. Or maybe these are the hardiest plants on the planet and I've just gotten very lucky. Either way, I'll take it!


  1. Beautiful flower! I'm glad you all managed to stay warm. Ben sympathizes with Eros, one local brand of shavings gives him hives while the rest of the horses are fine with them.

    1. Thanks! I wish I could take credit for the flower, but it's just thriving out there all by itself... Lol!
      Yes! Eros is the only one with hives. Out of almost 50 horses. I wish I could figure out what's in there that he's sensitive to.

  2. my grandfather has an amaryllis that's been blooming like crazy for weeks now -- it's so pretty!!! hope it warms up for you soon, we're finally getting a little break from the cold now, tho it's super rainy instead, womp lol

    1. They're really pretty flowers! I have another one that usually blooms in about a month. I planted that one late too, but unlike this one it didn't take it upon itself to just start blooming so it's on a different schedule. Haha!
      This week has been much more temperate, and was nearly 60 today which was LOVELY. I wish it would stay like this even if everything is mud now.
