Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Truthful Tuesday: The one with the mold


New England is great because we get all the seasons and for much of the region, we have easy access to oceans and beaches. But because of all that, we also have a lot of humidity. And with humidity, comes mold. For the most part, my tack doesn't really get moldy since I use it regularly. But this year, I have a few saddles that aren't getting use. They hang out in my tack room with their covers on, so while I was aware that was some mold on the saddles (I could see it on the bottoms) I didn't realize how icky they really were. Until yesterday. 

I had decided over the weekend that I would clean and condition all my saddles on Monday. That meant I had to take the covers off and face the horror of those unused saddles. I didn't think to snap before pics, but trust me when I say they were DISGUSTING. Even the covers were moldy and had to be washed. But the fact that my tack was moldy is not my confession (though perhaps it ought to be). 

My confession is that I'm kind of an idiot and only realized after cleaning two of them that I should be wearing a mask while I do that. I'm pretty allergic to mold (and hay but who's keeping track...) so I should have thought of that before I even started. But I didn't. Anyway, P had been out in the barn with me for the first two, but she was bored and wanted to go back in the house, so I took a break then and brought her in. I did put a mask on for the last moldy saddle, but here is where you can feel free to laugh at my idiocy. Once the mold was off the last unused saddle, I removed the mask since the toxin was eliminated. But you know what I forgot? I hadn't yet put the covers in the washer. When I did that, a big cloud of mold dust puffed out the door, right in my (now maskless) face. Like I didn't know that would happen? 

Fortunately, the universe really wants to help me learn from these mistakes so I had a lovely ocular migraine this morning as a reminder to keep my face out of things I'm allergic to. I hear you universe. Hopefully lesson learned... (No promises though.)

On the bright side, all five saddles are now squeaky clean and nicely conditioned. So at least there's that!


  1. I'm scared to look at the saddles I don't use regularly 🤣🤣 even with a dehumidifier in my shed, I'm sure I've got some mold, sigh. Your saddles look great!

    1. It's amazing how that stuff finds a way to grow! Thank you, I was worried there might be stains, but it all came right off!

  2. My poor saddle definitely needs to be cleaned. I know it's not moldy because I just used it last week, but its been neglected lately. Your tack all looks great!

    1. Yeah, I'm not the best at regular cleaning... But when I do, it looks so nice!

  3. ya know, now that i have all these masks constantly on hand, i'm realizing that there are actually a LOT of regular every day activities where.... actually they're kinda handy LOL... sorry about the migraine tho :(

    1. Right?! So convenient to have them around, if only I would remember to put it on my face!

  4. I am allergic to mold, and dust, and hay...and, um, horses lol, but I never have the bright idea to wear a mask until its too late, either.

    1. Lol! Right? I mean, we're used to feeling some allergies 100% of the time, so it's easy to forget.

  5. This is where essentially living in a desert is nice. The only time I have ever dealt with moldy tack is when I had a bridle in a plastic tote with a bottle of show sheen that had leaked badly without me realizing. It was very disgusting. I didn't know leather could get moldy until then and that was after about 20 years of owning tack lol.

    1. I hadn't thought about that! There is a bonus to that "dry heat" you guys suffer!

  6. I never had issues with moldy tack until I I moved to San Diego. Just another reason to hate humidity. Hopefully you don't get sick from inhaling spores!

    1. Humidity is stupid.
      Ugh, I definitely had a migraine the next day. Lesson learned. Wear a mask!
