Now that I'm back to horsing, things are pretty busy around here again. But definitely in a good way! I rode Shiny every day last week (except Monday when the barn is closed of course). She's a bit sassy... I think she was enjoying her temporary retirement. I've been very mindful of her lack of fitness, but she has MANY opinions if I ask for... pretty much anything. But I'm sure we'll work through it. I rode indoors the first several rides, but we've been outside a couple times now. It's great to be back in the saddle, even if it's not starting as calmly as I might have hoped.
For right now, Pammon is on full training board since I wasn't sure when I'd be returning to the barn. I have him getting ridden by the trainers Tuesday through Friday and I ride him on the weekends. The barn closes at 8 now, and it's pretty impossible to try and care for all three after work by 8. My stepmom is home now, so she can help out with Eros some days, and that will be easier once training board ends. Anyway, all that rambling to say I sat on Pammon both Saturday and Sunday. It's a little weird for me though... since he's on full board, they tack him for me and untack him for me.... I'm like one of THOSE amateurs. It's kind of nice as I ease into full time horsing though. And also helps to limit how much time I have to spend indoors breathing shared air. So I'll enjoy it while I can!
I didn't manage to get a between the ears photo which is kind of sad... but do remember that he's kind of nuts, and while somewhat heavily sedated, still not completely docile. So I was reluctant to fish my phone out of my pocket whilst trying to not die. It was quieter in the barn when I did him Saturday and he was completely perfect. He feels sound, though there is a definite difference between directions. He doesn't feel lame or anything, just clearly has a different feeling each way. Hopefully he'll even back out as he builds up his strength. He's only been trotting this week, so I can't expect miracles. Sunday was busier and he was a bit spooky. Thanks to the Resurpine AND ace that he gets, no one died. But I was glad for the chemical assist. He really can't hurt himself again. I need him to get better! And also, I don't want to fall off either.
Eros is still enjoying his hand walks. He's really such a good egg. I've been walking him in the outdoor ring and he almost never puts a foot out of place. Such the opposite of Pammon! I mean, they're both super sweet guys. But Eros is just so chill about life.
One of us is more excited than the other about walkies...
In less horsey news, I've been trying very hard to use my time wisely when not working or at the barn. So that means still plugging away at getting my house back in order (I feel like this may never finish) and working out in the barn to get things re organized and the trailer stuff back in the trailer where it belongs. I've been horsing in the afternoon, so that leaves my weekend mornings open for such projects. And the evenings too of course. So first project of the long weekend was Friday evening. I had an order for some bracelets for horse show prizes that needed finishing. So I got those done:
Four each of three types/colors of leather and three different charms, for a total of 36 bracelets. And the show they are for is actually running, so that's exciting for them!
That took up most of Friday night since I also rode. Saturday was gross and rainy so I spent the morning doing stuff in the house. I put together the last shelf for the craft room and then got to work assembling these two trunks I got for the house. They will house various jackets. One for real life, and one for stinky horse coats.
This room is still the dumping ground for when other rooms get emptied... but that is where the trunk will live. One on each side of the french doors. Though I may add another next to it. I like that it doubles as extra seating! Also, cutout Rio will probably stay there too. |
After horsing Saturday I made banana bread in a muffin tin. Partially because I like to bake in my toaster oven, and partially because if I make one big loaf I'll eat it much too quickly. Separate ones help me have some self control. They came out pretty tasty!
And I haven't eaten them all yet. But they'll be gone soon. Not gonna lie. Ha.
Sunday was the most beautiful day we've had in a long while. I still spent part of the morning in the house putting the second trunk together and packaging up the bracelets. And eating a delicious bagel and lox sandwich.
Only half pictured because the other half went in my pie hole before the photo. |
But it was the perfect day to spend time with the horses in the afternoon! I can't remember what else I did Sunday. No idea. Hopefully it was productive.
Monday the barn was closed, but since it was a holiday, I also didn't have to work! It was kind of a cloudy dreary day, perfect for doing stuff in my barn! As I mentioned yesterday, I spent more time than anticipated cleaning up the trunk. But I had the time to spare, so it was fine. The trailer is almost done getting packed up.
Left room for the wheel barrow, my boots, and some odds and ends.
I just ordered a new bag for braiding stuff which will clean up that pile on the left.
Stuff that will go in that space above.
Boots and helmets still to go in trailer. (And Jamp and Rio. But they stay in the barn.)
I decided to replace the muck tub and buckets I travel with since they're so beat up. Once they arrive, they'll go in this corner.
Waiting for my Pledge to arrive so I can get the outside cleaned up.
This is where the trunk will live in the trailer.
I have to actually hook the trailer up and move it to get the trunk and wheelbarrow in it. My old trailer had the tack room door on the other side which was much more convenient for packing! But truthfully, I won't often take the trunk or wheelbarrow out much if ever at home, so not that big of a deal. Maybe next weekend I can wrap up this project!
The last thing I did was the hardest though. Since Eros and Shiny will be coming home at some point, it makes sense that Eros should go in Rio's old stall. So I finally took down Rio's plate and swapped it for Eros'.
I hope Eros realizes how special he is to get this honor!
Apparently I'm late to this party, but I saw yesterday that One K's MIPS helmet will be customizable! The color range is a touch limited (like no rose gold! Nor regular gold for that matter) but they WILL have hunter, so I'm pretty stoked. Not only that, they will be available in long oval. I cannot wait to get my grubby hands on one! CAN. NOT. WAIT. Bonus points if they add rose gold to the line up of options though...
So that's it from here. Did you get to enjoy the holiday weekend? Get anything productive done and/or some quality relaxation time?