FOMO my friends! The FOMO is REAL! All of a sudden spring has arrived and with it comes the start of the northeast show season. And along with THAT, is all the Facebook posts of everyone showing and winning pretty ribbons while I'm at home looking at my herd of misfits wondering just when they might decide they're ready for show season.
Let's talk about our various stages of show readiness. We'll go horse by horse.
He had a little happy juice for his vet procedures. Is it wrong that I rather like him like this? |
My spookasaurus rex has not quite decided to settle back into his routine. He's still spooking at every shadow, bird, and whisper he encounters. It's pretty annoying. Trainer was able to come out on Saturday to give him a school, but he decided to be lame instead. I think he was faking. Fortunately, the vet was scheduled for a visit Monday anyway, so at least his timing was good. My vet was happy with how he took to his maintenance a couple of weeks ago and thought what we were feeling is mostly tightness in the back. So he did some acupuncture and prescribed some Robaxin for Jampy.
I love these Fergus stall signs I found. It says I stay in today so my helper knows Jampy can't have a turnout that day. |
He also got a three day vacation and will walk trot for a couple days before returning to work. Hopefully this will do the trick and he can really start jumping again. And go to a horse show. For crying out loud!
Ok, to be fair, Rio will never show again. So we are not working towards that. However, not one to feel left out, he has decided to contract some cellulitis.
Thankfully this too happened BEFORE the vet came out, so we are on top of it. Now if only he would eat his antibiotics, we would be in good shape. He is still ok to do light work because moving around will help with the stocking up in that leg.
Romey is actually doing great. We've been doing more canter work, and he really has the nicest canter. I mean, he has no concept of being between my aids, and when he's decided he's done cantering he trots despite my squeezing, but the canter itself is rhythmical and very comfortable. Also, he picks up his lead in both directions! Let's hope I don't mess that up.
I've discovered that he loves drinking from the hose, even if this photo makes him look angry. I swear he enjoyed it.
That looks itchy. |
And he reacts much like I do to bug bites. I don't think he'll show this year. He still has some healing to do on his old racing injury so he's not allowed to jump yet. But I do think he's on the right path. And I really think he's going to be a lot of fun.
This guy! I forget if I mentioned this, but I had thought Badger was turning six in June, but in fact he's turning 5. Which explains a lot about how green he is. I want to wait to start any real showing with him until next year, though I think he may debut in the baby greens toward the end of the summer. I legitimately am jealous of him though as he is in Saugerties at HITS for the next two weeks. And I'm not. You guys, my horse gets to travel more than I do!
We had better rides this weekend than we did last Sunday. Saturday he was a little spooky and fresh, but once trainer scolded me for not telling him that's bad behavior he pretty much gave it up entirely. Yes, I was failing his test... Thank goodness for trainer! Sunday was ten times better than Saturday and I think we're getting comfortable with each other. It will be nice to get to ride him more when he is back from the show.
So that's where we stand as far as showing. A big old NOT READY sign hanging on our barn. But that's ok. I think it's building year. If I get to some shows great, and if not, it's not the end of the world. We've had a couple of really fantastic seasons, so maybe it's time to re-group so we can move forward.
That's about the extent of what I've been up to. Riding 6 days a week, working, and hanging with these two:
They kill me. I guess the plus side to not showing much is hanging with them more. That's definitely a win.
My last bit of news, is that my first review over at
Beeju Boxes should be up today! Head over there to check it out!
What's up with you this Wednesday? Anything fun to report? Anything coming up? Tell me all about it in the comments!