Wednesday, June 10, 2015

What's Up Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday! Have I mentioned how much I love summer time? (Even if technically it's still spring...) It's just so nice to be able to walk out the door without twenty layers on, ride my horses everyday, and not wear socks. Ahhh. Summer. I love you. As much as I love summer, it's also kind of crazy. I definitely want to fit as much into everyday as I can. Really this pesky having to work full time situation is a real summer buzz kill! But I digress... Let's see what's been up this week!

 Ahhh the best laid plans... I had a decent jump school with Jampy last Wednesday (finally jumped a mostly 3' course!) and then I'd hoped to have one more on Saturday before bringing him to Saratoga on Sunday. Well... Saturday did not go as planned. First, my new weekend helper didn't show up. Which I didn't realize until nearly 8 am. Sorry for the late breakfast ponies! (They really are a patient herd. Thank goodness.) Whilst stewing about my schedule going to poo, I wasn't paying enough attention to what I was doing, and got myself kicked in the head while picking Jamp's front foot. While I don't think I had any serious damage, I was left with very large bump and a bit of a headache. I decided jumping might not be the best idea. At least we had Wednesday! I'm feeling pretty unprepared to show this coming weekend, but at least Jampy will be all tuned up since he's been with the trainer all week.
The Duck has been a little sassy pants, but also pretty good at the same time. He really knows how to play his momma! And Rio is perfect. As always. Here are some scenes from my equine life this past week:

Selfies with Rio

Berry picking with Rio

Jamp says he's sorry for kicking me in the head.

It's hard not to love that face.

Not bad for an old man with EPM!

Good little Ducks get grass. And my new seersucker breeches
On my way to trailer parking at Saratoga!
 I met up with Vanessa and Pepper on Thursday for our normal 3 miles. It was odd, we felt pretty good and thought we were moving right along, but then the watch was all "You ladies are old and slow." Whatever watch. At least we got out there! 
Due to my earlier mentioned bump on the noggin, I have not been running since then. I don't like to mess around too much with head injuries! However, I had signed up for the Stridebox Virtual (2 week) Marathon and had 3 miles left to complete it! I walked the three miles to finish it up. I'm not a quitter! Just slow. Miles are miles folks!
Just a quick explanation on this two week marathon... Stridebox held this virtual event as a fundraiser for Warfighter Sports. It sold out almost immediately, so I'm glad I jumped on it when I got the email invite. You had two weeks to run 26.2 and in exchange you get a medal and a t-shirt just like in a real race! I can't wait for my newest bling to arrive! You can see more about the event here.
As for running in the upcoming week... It may be weak. I'm planning to run tomorrow with Vanessa, and I did pack running clothes for while I'm at the horse show... but well... we'll see what happens.

These kids have a great life. Mostly they sleep a lot. But there's also some playing with their literal mountain of toys, chewing on bully sticks, and of course, WALKS! They helped me with 1.5 miles of the last 3 I needed for my two week marathon. Here's their week in photos:
C'mon Mom, let's GOOOOO

Ugh. So. Much. Walking.

Tongue out Tuesday

Mom left all the toys in my bed... I can fit though!

Pug Love
Other stuff:
I made some bracelets the other night. Just quick ones, but I think they're pretty cute!
I've never worked with these wire bangles before, and was disappointed when a lot of the beads I thought would fit didn't. But I did have a few that DID, and I can't wait to make some more!
Also happening around the farm... my pool is open! It seems to have a leak somewhere, because well, why wouldn't it? But at least it's open and not a weird green color.
So that's what's up this Wednesday! What have you been up to? Any races coming up? Horse shows? Crafts? Tell me all about it in the comments!


  1. You have the prettiest critters! The horses look great! And the puggies look happy :) Good luck at the show! I am SO jealous :)

    Katie @

  2. Hey Stacie! Thanks for stopping by my blog... Your horses are adorable! And I must know... Where did you get your seersucker breeches?! LOVE THEM!

    1. Thank you! They're good ponies... some of the time ;)
      The breeches I found on Tack Of The, but they are from Horsewares. I think they are the Belle Breeches.

  3. "Good little Ducks get grass." I love this, haha

    1. Haha! I totally use it for a reward for him. If he tries to drop my repeatedly on our rides... NO GRASS FOR HIM! He gets it, I swear!
