Wednesday, June 3, 2020

What's Up Wednesday

The country is in turmoil, but fortunately my horses and pugs don't have any idea about that. While I'm still actively learning to be anti racist, today on the blog will be back to our regularly scheduled weekly recap. Though it's pretty short and sweet.
Pammon was up to ten minutes of trotting for our weekend rides. Saturday I stayed indoors with him as there was a group lesson jumping outside and that seemed sort of chaotic. The nice thing about the boarding barn indoor is that it has windows that actually open most of the way around it, plus the big doors at the end were open. So decent air flow. He was a perfect boy! 

Sunday I got to do him outside. He's still getting sedated so I wasn't too worried about any shenanigans. This week he's trotting 15 minutes and both he and Eros get rechecked on Friday. Fingers crossed that Pammon starts cantering next week and Eros hopefully will progress to tack walks. 

Shiny has been... a pony mare. She's been perfectly safe to ride. No spooking or running away with me. But you guys. The sass! She does NOT want to go to work. Not at all. Zero interest in giving at the poll. No desire to lift her back. She just wants to plod around with her head looking every which way. And forget about steering! We no longer do that. So clearly, we have plenty to work on this summer!
We had pretty perfect weather this weekend, so I made sure the pups got out to play some too.

And in other exciting news, I got the door open and ramp down on the trailer finally! Victory!
And in a small return to normalcy, the snack shack at the lake is open for takeout and I got to have my first lobster roll of the season. 
And that's it for the week. How are you all doing out there? 


  1. That lobster roll looks so delicious! I hope I make it out there one day when like.. traveling is normal again to eat one!

    Fingers crossed for Pammon and Eros.

    1. You HAVE to come visit when it's safe to travel again! Hopefully by then I'll have cleaned out the guest room... Lol!


  2. thank god for dogs and horses, they live in another world I wish I could be in.

    LOBSTA ROLL. i love your trailer. side ramp goosenecks are my jam.

    1. I'm so jealous of their lives.
      Thanks! I ordered it two feet shorter than normal, so it remains to be seen how useful the ramp will be with less space. But I think it should be fine. I angled the wall for more room there and a little less in the tack room.

  3. Fingers crossed for a good vet check on Friday!

  4. I think that Carmen is a mare....

    1. Hahaha! Definitely! They have so many opinions.
