The equine kids and I have been having all kinds of fun now that we're all back under saddle. Doc wants to keep Eros in super light work for awhile, so we're still trotting four long sides and walking ten minutes. I'm not really sure when we add more... doc just said to keep going with that for now. Which is fine with me, I'll take what I can get!
Pammon is up to as much trotting as we'd like (we usually do 15 minutes) and three laps each direction of the gigantic outdoor at the canter. Which... is actually a lot of canter. Especially given we are not yet cleared for any kind of circles or lateral work. Just round and round we go. He's been great, though is still under the influence of meds to keep him calm. He just has so much energy, we have to be careful with that leg still.
Shiny has been doing really well. We had a lesson on Friday, and she jumped over some scary fill as well as through a line. It was set as a four to four for horses, but I held her for the five to five since the fences were small and she's a pony. I don't want her running for the horse strides. Maybe when she's more experienced, but for now, I prefer the add. We have a A LOT of work to do, but it's been really fun to get her jumping. I'm sad I have no media though.
She was exhausted Saturday after her lesson the day before. Plus the night turnout seems to keep her especially quiet. So on Sunday, I decided to give her an easy day. We tacked up and walked around the big field, and then another boarder joined us for a short trail ride. I hadn't had her on the trails before, and she was completely perfect.
I really love this pony. Definitely one of my best questionable decisions to date.
I've gotten the stalls set up at home, and just need to throw some shavings down. I'm planning to bring Shiny and Eros home Sunday and I am SO EXCITED to have horses at home again!
Though I will kind of miss the giant ring and access to trails at the boarding barn. Pammon is staying there for now though, so I probably could ship Shiny over sometimes to play.
Eros and Pammon are still on small paddock day turnout, and they may miss each other too.

Took the truck out for a ride this weekend and promptly got stuck behind a car fire for 45 minutes. Always the way, right?
Hey, at least I know it's running! And hopefully it's ready to haul the kids home. I'll get it fueled and hooked up on Saturday and then Sunday once the horses are home, I can get the rest of the show stuff packed in there. Just checking things off the to do list! Love that feeling.
I also made some Chex mix this weekend and proceeded to eat all of it in like three days. Delicious. Guess I'll have to make more this weekend.
In quarantine news, CT is slowly opening things up but I really haven't gone or done anything. I'll let everyone else be the guinea pigs. BUT I did go to my dad's for Father's Day. We had hot dogs and burgers outside and my brother and his family were there also. It was nice to see everyone. We're all being very safe, so hopefully no negative consequences to gathering together! Fingers crossed.
The barn mates went to their first horse show on Sunday and said it went well. It was hot wearing masks, but they said it felt safe and was really nice to get back out there. I'll probably wait until next year. Shiny has a lot of work to do before showing anyway.
That's about it from here! How was your week/weekend? Are things open and are you doing them? Or laying low still?