Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday's Threads


Blogger was actually working nicely for awhile, but we're back to struggle bus city with inserting photos... It just took me an hour to get that header image on here... ANYWAY! Happy Outfit Day! I chose brown and rose gold for today's outfit and Eros was excited to model because he's basically rose gold colored on his own. I'll let him go first since he's cuter than me.

I mean really. Look at him. He's filthy, and yet still looks that good. Dad bod and all. 

Bridle: Winner Special
I had this bridle on the blog recently, and was singing its praises, and I still feel that way. I have noticed a little bit of cracking on the noseband on this one, but honestly for what I paid, I'm not mad about it. Also, I maybe should get some oil on it... so that might be on me. 

Saddle: Butet
Half Pad: Mattes
Saddle Pad: Lettia with some embellishments by me

So funny story... I forgot I had done this pad up like this. I went to grab the one you've all seen before with the studs on it, but then I saw this in the bin and was like THAT'S SO CUTE! So I grabbed it for today. The bits are rose gold and the green is my logo. It didn't photograph nearly as cute as it is in real life. Also, could this pad be any closer to Eros' color? It's like camouflage on him!

Wraps: Eskadron
These rundown wraps come in a pack of four, but the elastic over wraps are sold by the pair, which is odd to me. But I didn't mind really because then I got to buy two different colors. You've seen the green ones a few times, but I also got these brown ones. I still would like to get a few other color options for both, but it's not in the budget at the moment. Maybe E will get some for Chanukah this winter. 

So that's what Eros was wearing, and here's what I had on:

It was pretty chilly here today, just in the 60's. So long sleeves it was! 

Helmet: One K Defender
I'm a little sad they don't make a wide brim brown helmet anymore. But this one is nice and it was cloudy today so no need for extra sun protection anyway.

Top: Luyaa
I love these tops from Amazon. They're identical to the TKEQ Kennedy shirts but like 1/3 the cost. I would bet that they are made in the same factory. 

Belt: HY Equestrian
I actually think this belt came in one of my Forelock and Fringe boxes, but I'm not positive. It's by HY Equestrian, which is a fun company that makes really cute things for horses and people. Dogs too. Seriously, the European brands are way more fun than most of what we have here. Though in the case of this belt, Equine Couture makes a similar one. 

Breeches: Equiline
You guys have seen these before. And I might have told you this story already. But I was trying to find the Samshield breeches that were brown and rose gold but not for full price because I don't wear $350 pants. During my hunt, I stumbled across these on sale. And liked them better anyway. They were a great find!

Boots: Imperial Riding
Imperial Riding is a really fun brand. Do you guys remember my silver mirror boots? I haven't worn them in awhile (fear not, I still have them!), so you may not. But they are the same brand. Actually, they're basically the same boot just a different color. I had seen these awhile ago, and truthfully, I purchased them quite awhile ago, but I haven't ridden in them until today. Why you ask? Well. They're a bit loud for the boarding barn for starters. But also the size... So I found them for a STEAL but the sizes were limited at the sale price. According to the size chart, these should be too tall for me (and they are a bit) but the calf looked to be correct. So I went ahead and ordered and figured I could stick some heel lifts in there to make the height work. I was right about that part. I was also right about the calf width, but alas, they sent me the wrong width. The box was labeled correctly, but the boots are stamped slim. (I'm a solid regular, sometimes wide depending on brand.) I got them from Europe so wasn't about to ship them back. Figured I could always sell them, or maybe I could make them work since they're lace ups. And they do work! I had to open the laces a bit so they look a little funny straight on. But not too bad. 
Anyway, the sizing is actually going to be fine, but I had put off riding in them because when boots are tall and tight they are a beast to break in. But it's time. Because they're so pretty. Plus, once I break these in, I can sell the Mountain Horse ones that are basically the same aesthetic. Or maybe I'll make those MH ones my beater boots next winter. We'll see. 

So that's what Eros and I wore today! I really enjoy brown and rose gold together. What do you guys think? Good color scheme? What are your favorite colors for your horse(s)? 


  1. These are great boots! It’s always nice to find a well priced option.

    1. Thank you! I like this brand a lot, and especially like that they're things are reasonably priced. (Even better on sale!)

  2. I love the boots. And that bridle is pretty. I love your commitment to putting together an ensemble.

  3. i love the brown!! and lol @ how much the color matches Eros!

    1. Me too!
      Right? I always refer to him as a redhead, but clearly he's brown. Which makes sense. He behaves more like a brown horse.
