Thursday, March 20, 2025

Thursday's Threads


Outfit Day! I took photos yesterday because it was so nice out. Today involved a few more layers and lots of clouds. Eros is our model this week, and here's what he had on:

I'm no sure what was so interesting off the left, but he would NOT look at me for this photo. Looks pretty cute anyway, even if it's a pretty awkward pose.

Bridle: Jospeh Sterling
Brow Band: Dark Jewel Designs
And then when I wanted him to look left, he looked right. But it worked out. 

Saddle: Butet
Saddle Pad: Ogilvy
Half Pad: Mattes
Good thing I stocked up on Ogilvy pads before all these ridiculous tariffs started... 

Wraps: Eskadron
I'm still loving these wraps for Eros. I hope they make new colors soon. But also I hope they don't since they are not inexpensive.

That's what Eros was wearing this week, and here's what I had on:
Sticking with the usual color scheme... Though the sweater is more teal than forest, so that's kind of a change! 

Helmet: One K
Those white spots on the helmet are from Al's pre-ride U-Shield. He gets to licking his lips when I give it to him and I end of wearing a decent amount... The things we do for our horses! 

Sweater: Ariat
This sweater is roughly 100 years old at this point, but I love it for spring. It's not too heavy, but warm enough to block the wind. 

Belt: Zazzle
You guys know I love these belts. Can you blame me? Look how cute they look on there!

Breeches: Equiline
It didn't come out well in the photo, but the branding on these is a metallic rose gold, along with the zippers and the trim on the pockets on the back. So cute!

Boots: Celeris UK
Here they are again! I just love these boots so much. I'll swap them out soon because the furry leather isn't durable for everyday use. But a week or two here and there is just fine. 

That's it for this week! Anything you guys want to see for next week? 

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

What's Up Wednesday


Guys! It was legit spring here today. It was in the low 60's, the sun was out, and it wasn't windy! This may never happen again. It must be celebrated! 

I don't have a ton to report on this week really. We're just plugging away, working on our fitness. The transition outside made our lack of fitness VERY apparent these past couple of weeks. I've mentioned that the footing is a bit deeper outside, but also the ring has quite a grade to it. You can really feel the horses working when it's time to climb the hills. It's good for them though. They'll be in great shape in another week or two. They're already doing better out there. 

Al has jumped out there a bunch of times now. And today he was SO great! The biggest jump was 2'6", and the rest were all tiny, but the point is, he just went around doing what I asked when I asked. It was LOVELY. I would have put a few more jumps up a little bit, but there was a dressage lesson starting and I didn't want to be disruptive. It's really nice to end a ride on Al wanting to do more though. For the longest time I really couldn't wait to get done with our rides. This is a big change, and I really REALLY hope we stay on this path. It's making me excited to think about showing. And I'm remembering why this horse is so special. Because I really was starting to question that for a long time. 
Also, look at this:
Al was on the crossties while his stall was getting cleaned, and this adorable little horse was using Al's butt as a pillow. Al just let him. That's who he is. Any attention from another horse is good attention to Al. Today I caught them in a similar situation, but the gray horse just kept biting Al's butt. And Al stood there and let him. He's such a weirdo. An endearing weirdo. 

Shiny is doing well too! I forget if I mentioned she'd started coughing a little bit when we started with her one ration of dry hay per day. I haven't heard her cough in a few days now, so I'm hoping whatever that was she's worked through. She didn't have any nasal discharge, nor fever. It was a dry cough. I very much think it was some kind of allergy. Aside from that, she's been good to ride as that's who she is. But still SO LAZY. I really have to be pretty mean to her to get her moving. Which I don't love. I've been ending her rides each day with a walk out on the property and that's definitely her favorite part of the day. Today she tried to drag me out onto one of the trails, but the footing was a little too soft so I had to say no for today. We'll explore that another time though. It's really fun having access to all these places to ride AND having a mount that enjoys it too. Maybe this will be the year I actually take her on some of the trails near my house. (The parking lots are so tiny though... Have I mentioned I hate turning my trailer around in tight spaces?) 
I jumped her over a few fences outside today too, and though it took a bit for her to get excited about it, she finished off really nicely. I'm so grateful to have this pony. She's just game for absolutely anything. 

Eros... hahaha. I love him. He's perfect in almost every way. So today, I thought, I'll let him play over the little cross rails in the ring too. It's a beautiful day, and he's feeling good. Hahaha... He started out so nicely over the first two. We trotted those. And then I cantered the smaller one away from the barn. All good. But then I turned back to the other X heading toward the barn. He turned those turbo boosters up to full throttle! It's naughty, yes. But there's no mean spirit involved from him, he's just having SO MUCH FUN! I let him have his little victory gallop on the straightaway, but did have to shut it down before the turn since he's a delicate flower. And then we finished up by just trotting the two little jumps a few more times before doing some more flatwork. He was AMPED! And it was pretty fun. I like a sassy Eros every once in awhile. 
Our saddle rep reached out to check in on how the saddle is doing now that it's more broken in. And I said I still am fighting with it. She had me get some new video and a few different photos to send to her. She said if she has anything in stock that could be better she'll let me try that and is willing to switch it out if I like it. Which, I think is pretty great customer service! Of course, it's not if she doesn't have something better... but we'll cross that road when we get to it. The photo above is one of the ones I sent and I think you can see pretty clearly how this saddle has me sitting too far back. Almost like it's not in the right place on the horse. Very odd. I haven't encountered this before. Hopefully we'll be able to get this worked out soon so we can have some more comfortable work together. 

And that's about it really. Nothing super exciting, but this spring like weather has been glorious which just gets me really excited for all things horse!

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Truthful Tuesday


I got hit with a real case of nostalgia recently. I made a trip up to the mall I used to frequent as a kid and teen recently because I wanted to stock up on some cheap tee shirts and maybe jeans at Forever 21 before they went out of business. It's been well known for awhile around here that this mall is not well. But I didn't realize how empty it truly was until I went up there. There are hardly any stores still open. There's still a pretzel place but some generic one, not Aunty Anne's. There's an Ann Taylor, a Victoria's Secret, a prom dress store, and honestly, that's about it. Might have been a sneaker place too. A lot of the stores that closed still have their fronts up since no one is planning to come. It was so sad. This used to be the place to shop back in the day. I remember when it first opened in fact. 

When I was a kid/teen occasionally my mom would let me take a mental health day from school, usually on a Monday (barn closed day) after a particularly long weekend of horse showing. And after catching up on some sleep we would head up to the mall for a little shopping and dinner. It was always so much fun to spend time with my mom like that (without my older brother tagging along)! 

It is called The Crystal Mall because of this giant crystal chandelier in the center over a stairwell. The chandelier is still there and you can't miss it because you have to take the stairs. The escalators are no longer running. Imagine that?? The anchor stores are all closed. Even the food court is deserted. There were just two restaurants still open Panda Express and a Japanese option. I had planned to get Taco Bell because the website still shows it being there. Definitely disappointed! Settled for eating at home instead since I was in and out of there pretty quickly. Not any place else to shop other than the one store I had planned to go to. 

I also recently got news that the barn I rode at as a junior is sold to developers. It was nearly bought by a friend of mine, but unfortunately that didn't play out. Such a loss for the area. This place hosts shows all year long. It's always my first choice to attend because it's close, generally well run, and it feels comfortable to me since I grew up there. Even Al has shown there and we've only shown twice. We need more good boarding options in this area, not less. I had really hoped someone would go in there and make the place over. But alas. It will likely end up condos. I've heard they are running their April show one more time this year, so I'm hoping one of my horses will be ready to go for one last hurrah. We shall see. 

I have so many memories at that place. Good and bad, as you accumulate both over many years. But all of my equine firsts happened there. From my very first lesson, to my first horse, my first loss of a horse, my first horse show, my first year end award, the list goes on and on. I also experienced a barn fire while there which was truly devastating. I've written about it here. Lots to reflect on for sure. End of an era.

So between these two scenarios, I'm feeling OLD, a little sentimental, and a lot of nostalgia. But all good things eventually come to an end so that new and hopefully better things can be born. So today's confession is that going to a mall made me a little emotional. And that's definitely weird. 

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Thursday's Threads


Outfit Day!!! We're returning to our regularly scheduled barn colors this week, but don't worry, there's something fun at the end so it's not completely boring. It's Shiny's turn to model, but I failed at getting a full pony photo today. Sorry about that... Anyway, here's what she had on today:

Bridle: Pinnacle
Brow band: Boy O'Boy Bridleworks

Guys. Her ear hair is getting out of control. We are definitely overdue for a spa day. Fuzzy ears aside, I love how this bridle looks on her.

Saddle: Custom Saddlery
Saddle Pad: Mattes
This is the green version of the saddle pad Al was wearing last week. (He had the blue one.) I love these pads. 10/10. Highly recommend.

Boots: Eskadron
I say this every time I use these boots, but I really like them. I wish Eskadron would stick with a boot style and just change the colors each season. I'd love to have a shed full of these in different colors.

That's what Shiny was wearing today and here's what I had on:
It's wonderful to have these beautiful sunny days, but it's terrible for mirror photos in my room. 

Helmet: One K Avance CCS Mips
I forgot a fresh photo of the helmet, but it was this one.

Sweater: Old Navy

You guys have seen this sweater a lot. It's been one of my favorites the last two years. Starting to show the wear and is getting a bit pilly, but I don't mind that for a barn sweater. 

Belt: Rebecca Ray
I love my fluffy cow print belt. It was an exciting day when it appeared under the clearance tab!

Breeches: Tailored Sportsman
These aren't new, I got them sometime last year. But I forget if I told you their story. I was mildly obsessed with finding these breeches either used or on closeout. It was seeming to be a fruitless search for the longest time. I regularly checked the used TS Facebook page. I hunted Instagram and Poshmark. Nothing. And then one day they appeared! On Facebook. For $85 and barely ever worn. Totally worth the wait! And even better, they're side zip which is my preferred zip. They're also mid rise, which is my preferred rise too. What a find!

Boots: Celeris UK
Here's the fun part! I've often said I can't decide which boots are my favorite. But that's a lie. These are my favorites. Hands down. I especially enjoy being at a barn where I can wear them without being told I'm going to negatively influence the children... Ha! When I had these made, I had to sign a waiver that I understood this hide might not wear well as a full boot. And there's a few places that they're rubbed a bit, like where the stirrup leather runs across the front and near the spurs. But honestly, they're holding up really well. I will absolutely get them again if/when they do wear out. 

That's it for today! I think the cow boots are less crazy when I don't go full cow outfit. But like, I do enjoy a good crazy full cow outfit, so fear not, that will happen again one of these days. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

What's Up Wednesday


Holy moly the last seven days have been busy! Not so much with horses, though they do take up the largest portion of every day. In typical spring time fashion, the schedule goes from empty to very full in the blink of an eye. The timing worked out well though, because the horses had their follow up with the vet on Friday which meant I had less riding to do on my busier days. Sometimes the stars align!

Al continues to be so much happier outdoors. Today he started out very distracted and I was about to be VERY disappointed that he was reverting back to naughty Al. Fortunately, he was just distracted by the turnout shifts changing and once that was done, he went right to work. We even popped over some tiny jumps out there! 

When doc came, we had to do our evaluations indoors unfortunately because it was back to being very cold and the wind was just silly. The good thing about that was doc finally got to see Al in full shut down mode which he's never seen before. Rather than doing a lameness evaluation we had more of a therapy session. And the end result is getting a little more aggressive with the ulcer treatment. We're taking him off the senior feed he's been getting (and not really eating) and switching him to just a ration balancer and hay pellets. We're doing a slow changeover so that will be fully changed sometime next week. We're also doing an omeprazole/fenbendazole paste in the mornings before being fed. And lastly, I'm to give him 6oz of U-shield before riding him to coat his tummy. The U-shield just arrived today so we haven't started that yet. I also waited a few days to start the omep/fenben paste because we make supplement packs up for the horses here and I didn't want to throw away the ones I had made that omeprazole powder already in them with other things he's on. So the only change that's really happened so far is the feed, and he's already eating better. Not sure if that's just because it's different, or if it's helping him. But either way, I'm glad he's eating. Fingers crossed all of these changes will get him on the right track. I really would love to show him some this summer! But first we need to achieve a forward canter all the way around the ring. 

Eros' evaluation was pretty uneventful, which is the best kind of vet check. He's still a touch uneven on that weird leg of his, but we've kind of just accepted that as him at this point. It doesn't change at all with flexions and while we didn't do any blocking this time, in the past it doesn't really change much with a block. I think it's more of a mechanical problem than a painful problem. His back is still somewhat sore, but much improved over the last visit. Doc was really happy overall with what he saw soundness wise. But I told him I still can't get a right bend out of him, and I think that's contributing to some his other issues. So we decided to inject his shoulders again. I haven't had that done for a few years, but the last time we did it he felt amazing afterwards. And I do feel like that's where he can't bend. Like I can get him to turn his head, and I can get his belly to bend some, but nothing in the shoulder/lower neck area. So he got his shoulders injected and doc also pumped the shoulders with air which we haven't done in a long while. He also had his back shockwaved which proved to be even more tight than he let on. He was legit moaning for it despite being pretty heavily sedated. We tried to get video of it, but the phone only picked up the shockwave noises. 

We wanted to see how the new saddle panels were doing for him, so doc used the thermal camera he has to show where the hotter points were both on the saddle immediately after riding and on Eros' back. The fit is actually pretty good and even throughout heat wise, except for the area where I'm perching forward because the balance is still pretty wrong for me. So that's useful information for when I get the fitter back out. But the really interesting thing we learned when the thermal camera was out was on his legs. Doc pointed it at his front legs, and the right leg looked pretty normal for right after work. Mostly blue at the front of the cannon bone, and around the back you could see where the vessels were warm from work. But the left leg, his weird one, was just all blue. Like no red or yellow at all. Very strange. Doc had never seen anything like it before and basically said I have no idea what this means. So we're tabling that for now.... More research needed. Interesting though. And kind of made me wonder if the unevenness could be from a lack of feeling in that leg maybe? I mean I know he can feel things. He reacts to flies on it and what not. But I wonder if it feels kind of asleep to him maybe? There's obviously enough circulation since his foot grows just fine. I dunno. It's a mystery for now. But certainly interesting!

Shiny's evaluation went just fine too. She was a touch positive on the stifle flexions, but the hocks still looked good and the front end flexed fine too. We decided to go ahead and do the stifles which she hasn't had done before. She had plenty of fluid in them still which is great, but it was pretty yellow which suggests inflammation, so it was the right call to do them. She also had her neck shockwaved and doc pumped her shoulders too just to see if made any difference. She's not been feeling unsound, but she's reluctant to come round and just wants to bounce off the contact. I know that the schokwave usually helps this so it will be interesting to see if pumping the shoulders helps even more. 

Al stayed in work all weekend since he didn't have any real vet work done on him, but the other two had the weekend and Monday off and started back to work Tuesday. I've been riding everyone outside this week, and that put a little wrench in a true evaluation of how they're feeling. The footing in the outdoor ring is sand and it's just a little bit deeper than I really like, but not what I'd call bad footing. Between that and the fact that it isn't level, and it's a real tough workout when the horses first start working out there. I can feel all of them working harder on the little up hills and even just in the deeper footing in general. Al is feeling more used to it since he's been out there more than the others so far. I will say though, that even though I can tell the horses are working harder out there, I can still feel that the vet work has made a difference for both of them. They're both really reaching through their shoulders in a way I haven't seen in awhile. Eros is finally realizing he can, in fact, bend right. Though it does take some time each ride to convince him. Shiny's trot, while still slower than I want it to be, is much more powerful. Like it's almost hard to sit her trot now. So that's a good sign. She still isn't thrilled with coming round, but when she does there's much less bouncing off the contact. So I think they're both on the right track. I probably won't jump either of them this week. I'll give them some more time to acclimate to the different footing before we start that. But I do want to jump Al some again soon. We only did like five jumps today and they were MAYBE 18" high, so he certainly hasn't done much. And he seemed genuinely happy when I pointed him at the fences, so I think he'd like to have some fun. We'll see what the weather does. 

The rest of my weekend was full of some fun with friends at a Chili Cookoff and an adorable theater experience with my family (my younger niece was in 101 Dalmations). Tonight I drove up to the University of Connecticut to give a braiding demo and lesson to their riding club. It was fun! It's easy to forget how hard braiding can be when you're new at it. They all did a great job though and also had good questions for me. It's a lot of fun, and I keep thinking I should offer braiding lessons locally. I'm just not sure what kind of insurance I would need for that. Something to look into though maybe. 

That's it from here this week. This weekend is quieter so hopefully I'll do some fun things with the horses. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Truthful Tuesday


I was talking to an older amateur at my barn yesterday about a couple of horses we both know. Both are thoroughbreds but they are two very different horses. One of them is beautiful, thick, decent mover, very well put together. He's also reactive, a little unpredictable, and wants to be dominant. The other is the lankier type TB, not a great mover, not the soundest horse you'll ever come across. But he is a real doer. Very kind, not at all spooky, wants nothing more than to do the right thing all the time. 
I had said if I was offered one of them to ride, I would choose the second one. But she said she would choose the first. What was interesting to me is that I thought I would lean toward the safer option because of my age, but after this conversation, I think it's really just because that's who I am as a person. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this is exactly why nearly every horse is marketable to someone. (Exception being one that is ugly, bad moving, unsound, unpredictable, and dominant. Ain't no one need one of those!) 
I think it's easy to be drawn to the pretty horse. We all want a pretty horse, right? I've obviously fallen for a pretty horse more than once... But often those pretty ones come with quirks. Or are just not the easiest horse in the barn. They're the ones that make us the better riders though. And if you show the hunters, their the ones that judges will notice. But I think I personally have reached a point in my life where I'd rather have something reliable. Maybe a little less pretty. Probably won't win a hack class. But one that's a doer. That wants to do the right thing for its person. 
What I find really funny (and works to my advantage) is that these horses are often the less expensive ones. Because pretty costs more. But you know what I think? I think a good brain and a ton of heart is invaluable. Horses that try and try and try are worth more to me (and probably most run of the mill amateurs) than any beautiful, hack winning hunter any day. 
So I'll keep shopping the horses in the clearance section. The rejects. The ones that aren't pretty enough. Because those giant hearts can't be beat. And yes, I'll also keep plugging along with my pretty horse, because he was also a clearance find. He's quirky, he's difficult, and boy can he make me feel like a failure. But he does have a big heart. And he's kind. And sometimes we have to work a little to get what we want. 
All that rambling to get to this confession: I put kindness and safety before flashy. I value work ethic over aesthetics. I think pretty is as pretty does. 

Just because that's what I want, doesn't mean that's what everyone wants or needs. So what about you guys? What would you list as your most important attributes in a horse for you?

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Thursdays Threads


Outfit day again already! Time is flying. Before you know it, we'll be back home with outfits galore at our fingertips! But until then, we opted for one more week of navy. This time though, Al wanted to model his outfit OUTSIDE! So we'll let him start. Here's what he is wearing this week:

What a pose... A confirmation horse he is not. Look at the mane blowing though, you can feel the wind in this photo.

Bridle: Joseph Sterling
Brow band: Dark Jewel Designs
Look at that soft unbothered eye. Haven't seen that in many, many months.

Saddle Pad: Mattes
Saddle: Butet
All three horses are sort of kind of maybe starting to shed finally, so I'm hopeful that Al will be able to back to his usual baby pad and half pad set up soon. But until then, we'll keep using something with sheepskin on the bottom, until the summer hair comes in on his back.

Boots: Horze
I apparently forgot to snap a photo of his boots, so this is a very zoomed in screenshot from his full outfit photo. And it looks even more awkward because I tilted it trying to make him look straighter and I clearly failed at that. Oh well! No one ever accused of me of being a photographer!

That's what Al wore, and here's what I had on:
It's lovely to wear a hoodie instead of layers and layers of wool!

Helmet: One K Avance CCS MIPS
I do like the blue helmet. I wish they'd make a nice green one. One can dream!

Sweatshirt: Champion
A couple of years ago Champion had a fleece jacket I was dying to own, so when it finally went on sale, I ordered it. But I hate paying for shipping so I added this to cart as well to get to the threshold. I loved it at the time since it was the other barns colors. So recently I've hated it for the same reason. But I'm starting to forgive blues for something they never actually did wrong. 

Belt: Brighton
I got this belt ages ago second hand to match my OG navy and croc boots that I had. I still have them, but they are needing zipper replacements. Still love the belt though! Especially with the buckle upgrade I gave it.

Breeches: Tailored Sportsman

Tailoreds are probably the most flattering breeches out there. I'm so glad it's warm enough to be wearing them again!

Socks: Dreamers & Schemers
D&S did these as a fundraiser for the Ukraine back when the war started. I thought it was appropriate to bust them back out again after... well you know. 

Boots: Celeris UK
I think these are FINALLY broken in! I wore them today with no bandaids on my ankles and I think I'm wound free! Celeris really does make the nicest boots. I swear I ride better in their boots than I do other brands. 

That's it for this week! Anything you guys are waiting for me to do for Thursday's Threads?